1.Searchable text in imported images/screenshots (like apple photos).2.Pdfs as small images that maintain searchable text.3.Infinite Canvas.
The ability to import a pdf as a smaller file/image similar to the way Notability lets you import scanned pdfs by giving you two options of either importing it as an image or importing it as a full-scale pdf would be an amazing feature. GoodNotes seems to make it imperative that something must be scanned instead of imported from another source in order to recognize text. This is the case at least when importing images or pdfs that were not OCR'd and have unrendered text in them.
I feel like this proposal would be helpful, in that, it would allow you to compile multiple pages of a pdf file onto one page if you wanted and allow one to be able to save space in the document by not being forced to import pdfs of large documents as full-sized pages, and instead allow them to be placed onto a page as a smaller image in the note. For instance, when I import a set of PowerPoint or Google slides for class, it would be incredible to be able to import them without them having to be full sized pages, which leaves very little room for making side comments and annotations as I am forced to write directly on the slide itself. This makes it difficult when taking notes in class because it forces one to have to write smaller as to not cover up important content on the slide and this makes it harder to find what I wrote down later. This would save so much time and prevent any unnecessary pages from piling up especially when you have hundreds of slides to go over and would make it easier for me to review when it comes time for an exam. This would be amazing.
An infinite canvas template page would be amazing as well. I like seeing everything I wrote in one area without having so many pages to go through. This wouldn't be a problem if I did not write so much when taking notes, however, I write a lot and I end up filling up several pages with my notes, and this makes it difficult when reviewing them. I know that OneNote has this feature, however, OneNote is incapable of searching handwritten text for Apple devices and from what I understand, Microsoft made the decision to exclude this feature from Apple users through their own volition.
Also, my number one biggest request is to have the ability to have searchable text in images or the screeenshots copy and pasted when using the lasso tool in Goodnotes. I would love for any image that is copy and pasted from any app that is imported to have the ability to recognize the text or handwriting within the image that is imported. Say, I had a pdf containing a diagram in my notes and it had recognizable text, and say, I wanted a section of the diagram to be put next to a term I am writing down to visually familiarize myself with a new term for a class. Then, I use the lasso tool to take a screenshot of a portion of the pdf and place the screenshot next to the new term. However, when I paste the screenshot, I can no longer recognize or select the text, and it is unsearchable via the search engine. It would be very cool if it could be made so that the text of a screenshot, using the screenshot feature of the lasso tool could be recognized.
These suggestions would be much appreciated if they were seen as noteworthy, and I hope that changes such as these are implemented in the app, for having these features would greatly change the note-taking game. I am thankful for all the good that GoodNotes has done, especially in the student community and am excited to see all the great features and ideas that are provided in the future.
chad leo commented
If your concept isn't on the list, submit it nonetheless. Please use a title that isn't more than 20 words long and is descriptive https://gartic-phone.com. Put the information in the description field.