3-button suit still recommended?
The interviewing series recommends wearing a three button suit to an interview. The gentleman at the suit shop informed me that this has been out of style for over five years and will make me appear dated. I realize that the podcast was made sometime ago, and I want to be sure that I have not missed an update regarding dress code for interviews. I also realize that he may tell me this, simply because he no longer carries that particular suit.
Is the three button suit, still the recommendation?

Daisie Cihak commented
The 3-button suit is the most common and used one to my mind. I also wear such suits sometimes, especially if I have important events at work. It helps me look more serious and maybe makes people believe I am more competent.
Thankfully, I don't have to bother a lot about choosing the one that fits me because I just order my suits from Gentleman's Guru. It's a little more expensive, but it's totally worth it. I prefer to choose more expensive but qualitative clothes that will last longer. Fast fashion is the worst that could have ever happened to the fashion world. https://www.gentlemansguru.com/