Allow scrolling off the page so that writing on the edges of a page is easier
I am left-handed and use GoodNotes on my iPad for taking notes. When you're editing a document and zoomed in so that the entire width of the document can not be displayed and scroll all the way to the edge of the document, GoodNotes forces the edge of the document to the edge of the display and does not allow you to scroll off the page. This makes it difficult for me when writing at the beginning of a line, since I'm left-handed, my hand is often hovering off the edge of my iPad or I need to set something like my wallet next to my iPad in order to have a comfortable place to rest my hand. I would appreciate it if I was able to scroll off the page into the gray area that way I can rest my hand on my iPad instead of needing something else.

- commented
Yes yes yes! Or at least making this a setting. I would include this in an overhaul of the page positioning system. I would also include the ability to rotate the view with two fingers, making it easier to write at an angle when the iPad is fixed in a stand or whatever.
Scrolling beyond the edge would interfere with turning pages, but I would fix this by filtering scroll speed (scrolling fast turns the page, scrolling slow just repositions the current page) or using a page organizing tab like procreate.