Tape…Notability just published an update to allow something like white out tape that can be tapped to make transparent and then tapped again to ”reapply.”
Teaching implications of such a tool are obvious and awesome.
Please give us such a feature.
chad gehring commented
chad gehring commented
Yes PLEASE! My friends who have notability use this instead of note cards and it’s 3x faster. It would dramatically improve studying
It's Ritacc commented
Use tape to hide and reveal information for quick active recall.
Chahir Botros commented
A tool similar to the “Tape” tool on Notability, that allows users to hide anything they want such as answers, then a tap on it reveals the answers. Currently, the closest thing is using a sticker however it’s not very practice and it would be a very good quality of life feature to add to the app
devash patel commented
Please add Tape feature to hide and reveal hidden important points to quiz own self while actively recalling Important points during revision as well discussing with someone else
Thank you !
tarafoster commented
Thanks for the information.. https://www.homebargainsportal.com/
Patricia commented
This would be amazing - and if it was a SVG vector file, with option to change the colors.
Gabriele commented
washi tape, as you may already know is a sort of sticker, but its pattern and amount of print changes according to the size you make it.