Apple Shortcuts Support
Currently, GoodNotes offers a few basic actions in Apple Shortcuts.
I would love to see more advanced actions that allow users to customize their workflows to a greater extend.
Here are some automations/workflows I could imagine:
- Shortcut to open the notebook corresponding to the lecture your currently sitting in (by checking your current calendar events)
- Every evening, automatically check whether I’ve written something to my diary today, if not, prompt me to do so and open the last page
- Every evening, check which lecture notes were edited, then export them and share them with a friend who doesn’t use GoodNotes
- For research / reviewing literature: automatically create a new temporary notebook with the name of the text I’m reading. When I’m done taking notes, export as pdf, send to my literature management software and delete the GoodNotes notebook.
- Use OCR to export hand-written todos to todo apps like Things (with some regex and optional manual cleanup of the OCR text)
- Automatically create daily templates (like pages with today’s date as a title)
- Add the current weather or the name of the song your listening to to your journal
- Create more advanced templates (e. g. calendar templates filled with todays schedule from a calendar app) by some other means (e. g. LaTeX running on a server?), then add them to a notebook.
Here are some rough ideas for the Shortcuts actions the above ideas would probably require (and some more):
- Open <Notebook> (on the last opened page or a specified one)
- Open <Folder>
- Get notebook info from <Notebook> (returns metadata like last edited time, page count, template paper size etc.)
- Get info from <Page> in <Notebook> (returns metadata like page size, …?)
- Export <Notebook> (options: all pages or just specific ones, plus the same options as in the export UI)
- Create new page in <Notebook> (adds a new empty page based on the notebooks template, either at the end or at a specific location)
- Add <PDF> to <Notebook> (appends pages at the end, or inserts them at a specific location)
- Find notebooks (to actually retrieve notebooks you don’t know the name and location of, similar to ‘Find Notes’ from Apple Notes)
- Create new notebook (name, location, template)
- Delete <Notebook>
- Even cooler would be stuff to actually edit content on pages, but that seems more difficult than the stuff above:
- Insert <Text> on <Page> in <Notebook> at <X Position> <Y Position> (with usual font options)
- Insert <Image> on <Page> in <Notebook> at <X Position> <Y Position> (with width/height option)
- Insert <Shape> on <Page> in <Notebook> at <X Position> <Y Position> (for vector lines/rectangles/circles, with width/height option)
Dave commented
Openning a notebook specific page from shortcuts app on iOS would be a wonderful idea!