zoom window improvements
The writing zoom window desperately needs usability improvements:
The LASSO tool should be available inside the zoom window.
All zoom window SETTINGS need to be PER PAPER TEMPLATE or at the very least per document.
The AUTO ADVANCE SETTING needs an easily accessible button at the top of the zoom window.
The LEFT MARGIN button should be altered in functionality: It should activate/ unlock with a tap (icon highlighting blue to indicate). While activated the dashed margin line should be freely draggable into the desired position and deactivate/lock itself afterwards automatically. A right margin would be nice too.
The CARRIAGE RETURN HEIGHT setting is only accessible via the paper template library - this is an absolute nightmare to use! A ‘tab and hold’ on the carriage return button should let us set the line hight directly on the page - so that the paper background itself can be used as guide. {This could be done by blending in 2 dashed lines (like the margin lines only horizontal) and letting us drag them to the right vertical distance. } Tab again on the carriage return icon should revert it to ists normal function with the new hight setting in use. For papers from the template library the height setting should also automatically be saved there.