legacy access for GN5 users who already paid for "lifetime".
We, the users who already paid for "lifetime" access for GN5, shouldn't have to pay again for GN6, to the tune of 3x the cost. And what's your definition of "lifetime" anyway? Change of whim and software? The new features simply aren't that amazing to warrant any kind of cost. Legacy users should get the upgrade for free. New users should be the ones to get this godawful subscription model that you swore you wouldn't foist upon the users (like Notability, remember what you said about them??). I'm sure this feature request will go right in the bin, but I feel better for having left this feedback. I, for one, will not recommend this to anyone thanks to this sneaky practice.

Jan Marten Locher commented
agreed 100%!! Also the NEW DESIGN BUGS me even MORE, knowing THAT is, what WE WILL BE STUCK WITH ,in the LONG RUN!! Since NO more UPDATES to GN5!