Notes for everyone
Create a database within goodnotes to see the Notes of any student in the world, from any field or profession, I would like to share my notes with everyone and also see their notes, to learn from others and learn new things Briefly and simply. for example, if I am at a medical school and I want to learn what I will learn in the coming years, or even if I am a medical student and want to learn some new things in architecture. It would be an excellent place to gain knowledge about any subject in a simple way.
Pitchi Pub commented
as a lecturer, this is problematic, as students occasionally share material that doesn't belong to them (like my lecture slides).
Yonko Abood commented
What a good idea
I think that they have done that before! They named it as “goodnotes community”
Hope they return that feature again -
Mohamed commented
could even replace studocu hahaha
Mohamed commented
Could be nice but that would need a popup that confirms its gonna be open-source
Nasser mohammed commented
Woooowwww i love’t
yousef helaoy commented