Export study set as pdf
Right now we can only export a study set as a .goodnotes file. I want to be able to export it as a .pdf file.

Juliette Pouvoit commented
I personally stop used good note for this. It's so important to be able to export them.
Maksim Liakh commented
I could be so easy! Make it a straight forward export, where one side is the upper part of a page and the back side is the lower part of the page. If you want to learn with paper you can print it out and fold it. If you want to send it, all the connected material stays together.
Anet P commented
Please i LOVE your study sets, but I need to be able to export them as .pdf.
georgia polomski commented
Have never been more frustrated over something. I need to be able to export as a pdf and I don’t see any work around
Elisha Kessler commented
Please allow this. I need to show proof for school and it’s a pain to screen shot all the flash cards every week
Tania Kalsi commented
YES! Please, please, PLEASE add this goodnotes. I know so many people - including myself - who are thinking to stop using goodnotes because it is extremely important for us to be able to export our flashcards. For example, we want to print them out as a pdf!
Tee Yining commented
PLS ! Export as pdf version for flashcard is very important!
Brandon Aparicio commented
So surprised how underdeveloped the flashcard feature on Goodnotes is—can't align text, can't change the size or color of text—why limit flashcards? That is like the most important tool.
Shane Singleton commented
I would love to see this feature. I recently wanted to give my study set/flash cards to a friend and I was not able to. It was very frustrating considering how easy the other export to PDF functionality is.