Notes meet Calendar
I love the feature in the Agenda app where you can assign a note to a particular upcoming meeting. would be very nice if i could not only have every page of my notes dated and timed but also if I could assign one or more pages to a meeting in my calendar. This would require seamless integration with calendar apps like exchange or fantastical or gmail, but if done right would be epic.
picture this scenario:
I work in a corporate job and I am in a strategy meeting with the CEO who gives me certain actions to take for a particular project as well as some thoughts for my consideration/analysis, which i jot down on Goodnotes as i currently do.
I leave the meeting and schedule a meeting with my team to discuss this very subject matter. I would like the option to attach the notes I jotted down in the strategy meeting to the meeting invitation so that when i am at the meeting, i can just click on a link and my notes and any relevant attachments come up.
if Agenda gets their act together and moves away from being a "text based" app only, i would have very limited use for goodnotes, at least in a corporate context.