Make highlighter begins with straight strech , when always straight is turned on
Make Highlighter “always straight” funtion like “tape’s always straight“ that it begins with straight stretch that has been upadated in GN6
Make highlighter tool too work like that , beginning with straight strech
Jennie Fitz commented
To create a highlighter tool that always starts with a straight stretch, similar to the updated tape function in GN6, you can implement several key features. First, when the highlighter is activated, it should begin in "straight" mode, allowing the user to draw a straight line by locking the angle of the line based on the initial mouse position. Visual feedback, such as changing the cursor's color or thickness, can indicate when the highlighter is in straight mode. After drawing the first straight line, users should have the option to switch to freeform mode easily, allowing for flexibility. Additionally, providing customization options for users to toggle the straight-start feature can enhance usability. By focusing on a smooth and responsive drawing experience, you can significantly improve the highlighter tool, making it intuitive and efficient, much like the tape tool