Lock Text Boxes.
Locking text would be SUPER helpful for iPad users. It does get frustrating when I use text and then try to draw a diagram underneath, only for it to select the text above again. When I try to put a text box underneath, it wants to select the text above after removing the spacing.
It would be extremely beneficial to lock text so it wouldn't be selected and or touched and accidentally move it with the lasso tool, editing it again, just being a huge pain overall. The lock feature could be comparable to Canva, where you can lock a "layer" after selecting it, and it will not be moved. Maybe even add a lock feature button on the toolbar, so instead of clicking on the textbox with a pop-up that appears with "unlock," you can click it and then go to the toolbar and select the unlock icon.
Please let this be the next update. I wish this weren't a big deal, but a small detail would make the difference.