Bug - Fix the blank space next to the color palette on toolbar
There is a blank space next to the color palette, so the palette isn’t showing as many colors as it could. The palette isn’t taking up all the space to the edge of the screen (see the screenshot).
The size of the blank space seems to depend on how many tools you have on your toolbar but it is present even without editing the default tool order.
I tried reinstalling the app - it was fixed for about a day and then the issue appeared again.
I’m facing this issue on my 11” iPad Pro 2022, but also have seen it on my friend’s 10,9” Air 2022 and some other iPads in my class.
There is also a Reddit post about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodNotes/comments/1exn05e/why_not_show_the_rest_of_the_colors_in_this_empty/
This issue has been around for about half a year now, that’s why I’m posting here. If I remember well, I first came across it when the update allowing us to reorganize our taskbar came out. It worked fine before.