Open with url
Please provide the URL scheme to open the app from within another app (like LifeTopix)

miller chaney commented
Open your app's Info.plist file in Xcode.
Michiel commented
I'm using a multi-app workflow for my daily work. Writing in Goodnotes, typing notes in Joplin, my to-do's are stored in Things.
Most apps support hyperlinks to notes, pages, to-do's, and also support that on iOS, macOS in the same way. I would love Goodnotes to join this best-practice.
So, when entering a 'to-do' in things, I could paste a hyperlink in the form of 'goodnotes://<some-unique-id' in the to-do. clicking on that link should open Goodnotes on the page where I created that link in the first place. -
Rui commented
It will be very helpful to navigate between different app. Then I can take advantage of both rather than choose between.
Wagner commented
Bauen Sie das URL-Schema ein, um ein bestimmtes Dokument der Goodnotes-App aus einer anderen App zu öffnen.
So können Sie direkt von einer anderen App zu einem bestimmten Goodnotes-Dokument navigieren.
Und umgekehrt: Bauen Sie die Möglichkeit, eine aktive URL in ein GoodNotes-Dokument einfügen, um zu einer anderen App zu springen. -
Peter commented
I found that db-f4jb04w77pqlxjc:// will work with launcher but not with launch center. Any help?