Graph Tool.
A Graph Tool would be very usefull.
Maciejewson Collin commented
Graph Tool is a powerful Python library used for the creation and manipulation of graphs and networks, offering advanced features for visualization and analysis. It can handle large-scale graphs efficiently, making it ideal for tasks like network analysis or data structure manipulation. Similar to how Tim Hortons presents a clear and organized menu on their website, such as found at, Graph Tool allows users to visually and structurally organize complex data, offering insights in an accessible and user-friendly format.
jeka totsamiy commented
In the medical sphere, the physician-patient relationship forms the foundation of effective healthcare. Trust and open communication between doctors and patients are essential for accurate diagnoses and successful treatments. This relationship goes beyond medical expertise, embracing empathy, compassion, and respect, creating a supportive environment where patients feel heard, understood, and cared for.
valentin F. commented
It doesn’t have to be like geogrepha where you just input the function but the Programm should be able to detect when you are drawing a graph and let you customize it with the shape tool
Paul Thompson commented
I'd just like to be ableto insert a graph grid and set line spacing. need Cartesian, polar, semilog and log- log
Alejandro Fernandez commented
Be able to input functions and have them be graphed on the page, drawing its own x and y-axis and functions. This graph would then be scaleable, be rotated, and moved however the user wanted so it fits in the space needed. With multiple functions, colors can be chosen to represent each one from the color presets so that it can match the handwriting colors.
Anonymous commented
This would be extremely useful in math class to be able to graph trig and polynomials. It would also be great if they were able graph each functions integral/derivatives/inverse as well