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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2251 results found

  1. it will be better if goodnotes web has a search button for searching words, because It will be easier for me to search for words through my file. Thanks in advance

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  2. I would like to have the option to have more than 3 default color at the top. 6 or 7 preset (favorite/saved) colors would be more adequate to avoid going to the color menu each time.

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  3. I want to be able to click a file from the file explorer window, have it open in Goodnotes, and have all of my edits savable directly to the file in its location in the file explorer. This would be a useful feature for college students, academics, and anyone else who regularly reads PDF files.

    Otherwise Goodnotes needs some kind of file organization system rather than all of my potentially thousands of imported PDFs on the same scrollable page. I could make Goodnotes work if I could make a folder for every class or project.

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  4. For sumsung pen when click and hold on the button at the middle of the pen, I will do eraser but this feature disappear for android

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  5. The app needs to be more spen friendly or else you will lose your costumers to Samsung notes. Also please add features like summaries and vocabulary cards. An other thing i would like to see is a more fluently working app that doesnt look "bulky" like now (example big bars and side boards). Many people are using samsung notes and right now it is your only real competition on the market for samsung tablets, which are very great

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  6. I have a Galaxy Tab S7. When pressing its stylus button, instead of changing to eraser mode, it starts drawing (It draws even if I'm only hovering the stylus over the screen)

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  7. Would be great if the windows GoodNotes app could stabilize and smooth out more the ink strokes like in the iPad

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  8. A pencil effect and the ability to change the opacity of a tool would allow for better diagram drawing.

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  9. This feature exists in every notes app.
    When a photo is imported you should be able to crop the part you are interested in (using a lasso tool, rectangle selector and many other selectors), and drag it as if it were a new photo.
    This is used for example when an assignment is given in a PDF file, and the user would want to crop out each question and place them at the top of each page.

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  10. Add a lock button to freeze page layout when writing. Too many times the page is moving during note taking.

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  11. i´d be really nice to have different fonts so we can difference titles ,main ideas or comments

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  12. I am loving that Goodnotes has an experimental typing function. I would love to see this open up a little more by letting us be able to do everything that we can the write to text function. This includes being able to change font styles and size.

    Also, we need to be able to use the typing function along with the writing function. What do I mean? I mean that if we have something written down, I'd like to be able to sometimes switch to typing out things without the typing overlaying the already written text when I already have…

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  13. I love the laser pointer most as an online educator. Since, the automatic fading away after sometimes gives me the best result while teaching online. I love laser pointer more than highlighter tool. kindly add some color as well on laser pointer.

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  14. cant delete comments

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  15. For android, It should have a real app just like the IOS version, also, support the same features and make use of spen, also, needs to properly resize when in sliptcreen

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  16. I have a planner that comes with Goodnotes files format that are basically stickers and pictures. When I import, it does not work. I get unsupported file format. Can we have the ability to read all types of files, especially Goodnotes files?

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  17. Hello, GoodNotes Developers

    I’m glad that I can use GoodNotes in Android.

    GoodNotes, which works on web app, will not create the experience of using GoodNotes on iPad. That's why you have to make it work as a native app.

    The limitations of web app are clear. For example, latency.

    To compete with Samsung Note (Free to download!!), you need to provide a better experience.

    I understand that it is a beta version now, but I hope it becomes a native app when it is released as an official version.

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  18. On MacOS and iOS, GoodNotes is very effective with the quirks that come with both platforms. However, the Windows platform has a plethora of quirks that can make a Windows GoodNotes as good as the one on iOS. Here is a quick list I came up with that would enhance GoodNotes on the Windows platform:

    Integration with Windows apps: Integrating with other Windows apps such as OneNote, Microsoft To-Do, or Microsoft Office would make GoodNotes more useful and provide a better user experience.

    Cloud integration: Windows users often rely on Microsoft's cloud services like OneDrive or SharePoint. Integrating GoodNotes with…

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  19. The IoS version has more lage templates with different background colours. Also we should be able to insert text, images , audio recordings , hyperlinks. Basically insert all IOS features here

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  20. There's a slow pen response while writing. After a few seconds, letters or strokes starts appearing, and even sometimes, all of the gestures aren't recognized.

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