Ability to write with keyboard
Ability to write with keyboard would be very interesting because handwriting is sometimes difficult

Lukas commented
This is essential, as this would be my alternative for PDF-editor programs.
Briana Perry commented
agree. I would love to use my keyboard to write notes too
Raquel Gosálbez commented
Make posible to use the keyboard and write on text boxes
Tahsin Uddin commented
Fully agree - having the ability to both draw and type notes would expand the note-taking functionality tremendously.
Meaghan Paton commented
Agreed - my laptop isn't touch screen so I have to write things out with the mouse. A keyboard would be useful for the microsoft aspect. I can't wait until it's available for android tablet..
Emily commented
1. It would be good to be able to type on a notebook instead of just handwriting.
2. It would be good to be able to link the files from GoodNotes for windows to GoodNotes on Apple devices. -
WolfBest 09 YT commented
Hability to write with keyboard would be very interesting because handwriting is sometimes dificult
The Black commented
Yes definitely I need this
Bart-Jan Stam commented
this would be a great addition, sometimes it could cost a lot of time to write everything with your pen. being able to type instead of writing would save a lot of energy.
Martin Philipp Kessler commented
Espcecially if you someday will be able to link your GoodNotes App on your tablet to your Laptop. I think this will improve the App drasticly.
Emma commented
It would be nice to be able to insert a text box and type instead of writing absolutely everything. And/or having a "handwriting to text" option similar to the Apple version of this application:
JinCer Tan commented
adding this function can be much more user friendly for those who are using this app on their laptop or desktop
Gay Bees commented
Being able to write between the lines like on Notability especially if you were able to do that while keeping the templates goodnotes has like Cornell or Legal. This would make typing so much easier and save me a lot of headache.