After using the beta version for a bit I have a few thoughts on the things that could be fix or added. Firstly the fixes:
1) Bugs related to notebook rendering (it sometimes doesn’t show the things I wrote when I scroll up to see them)
2) Speeding it up a bit (other apps run smoothly on my tablet but in GoodNotes Beta the pen has a bit of a lag)
3) Talking about bugs – when I change the color of the page it doesn’t show up in the notebook (it’s still white)
And additions that would be great:
1) Option to write with a keyboard
2) Fullscreen mode, or at least the option to hide page pre-view (the one on the left side of the screen)
3) Option to change the size of squares in squared paper template
4) Option to accurately change the thickness of the pen (preferably in mm)
5) Create folders and sub-folders
6) Adding space (moving everything that’s below)
7) Option to make tabs (like in the ios version)
8) Ready to go shapes that can be added to a page
9) Handwriting to text feature
10) Option to export notebooks to pdfs
But overall it is a nice start and I appreciate the opportunity to try GoodNotes on my Windows device!