drag & drop, side by side screen, Hyperlinks and horizontal scrolling
I downloaded the app because I'm jealous of all the Apple users and the good notes app. I love the functionality that I witness others being able to use. This Android version has a long way to go. The first two things that I would like to see happen is horizontal scrolling and hyperlinks working. For example I have a 365-day journal but I cannot click on the hyperlinked days to jump from date to date. And I cannot horizontally scroll I have to vertical scroll all the way from January 1st to current date. That is tedious and very inconvenient. I would also like to be able to have a side by side screen option like the original good notes to drag and drop stickers. Basically I would like it to mimic the original Apple version of the good notes. That might be asking a lot but that's what I would love love love to see I would be a forever customer and would be willing to even pay an annual fee for that