List of Bugs and Suggestions for GoodNotes
I use a drawing tablet and I've realized that sometimes when I am scrolling the app does not allow me to write after the scrolling of the page has stabilized. (Especially when I am moving across different pages) Instead of writing, the page is moved, even though I am in pen mode. I usually have to click on another mode for example the selection tool and click back to the pen for the issue to be resolved. Additionally, we should not be allowed to highlight things in the header and footer. When I am writing sometimes I apparently highlight things and then this prevents me from being able to write things on the app until I click the header or something else besides the page. It would be nice if we had a way to move/hide the header so that it isn't always in the way because it takes up alot of space. Also the scrollwheel scrolls in way too much even when set at small scroll lines. I believe mine is set to 2, but when I use my mosue scroll wheel to zoom it zooms in to the extent that I almost can't see anything and it is very impractical. Users should also be allowed to select a specific zoom size by typing it in, instead of being forced to use what is currently on the app. Also I believe we need a full screen mode so that we can get rid of all the clutter and useless things in the header of the screen when we are using the app.