Robust App Accessibility
Can you please make this app available across ALL devices with FULL functionality.
I love how I can go from my tablet and use this app to create some handy notes.
But when I don't have my tablet with me I'd love to be able to open and edit my notes on my phone!
I currently get a notification that it only works for tablet or desktop.
I can use the app on my mobile, view my notes, but can't edit them!
Otherwise I find this to be a super cool app!
I love how it works on my tablet and how responsive it is when using the different pen types. I.e., when I use the fountain pen and move fast less ink shows up on the page or if I use the brush pen I can use different pressure and get a different thickness! This is super cool!
Anyways, if you could please make this a priority I'd be very happy and use this app.
Thank you for all your hard work on this!