2269 results found
I hope to see the whole page in a wider way, not one line, just like iOS or iPados
I hope to see the whole page in a wider way, not one line, just like iOS or iPados
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The pdf name should be the same as we save in goodnotes.
After completing the notes when we save it in form of pdf in our computer , it always saves with some random names so we have to rename it later.
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the + and - buttons at the top tab
please reinclude the + and - buttons at the top tab for magnification.
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dark mode
I want darkmode!!🥵🥵
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*อยากให้เเอปมีสีสันขึ้นสักนิดเเล้วก็เรื่องการกระตุกนี่เเหละครับ(ตอนเปลี่ยนเครื่องมือ)ถ้าได้คือจะดีมากๆครับ1 vote -
태블릿은 lte가 안 되서 오프라인일땐 노트가 안 들어가지더라고요. 오프라인에서도 실행이 될 수 있게 해주세요
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Pdf export error
용량 큰 파일 pdf 내보내기 할때 주석을 단 글자들이 밀려서 저장됨
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Glow tool
The glow tool just downloaded and writes in glow lines but disappeared instantly.
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Nice updates. Small details, but nice improvements.!! A lot to go, but good way forward.
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ios처럼 해주세요
- 400MB까진 PDF 불러올 수 있게 해주세요 스캔본이라 용량이 많습니다.
- 점선 툴로 글자 옮길 때 IOS 때 처럼 점선 툴로 선택하면 이미지 캡처 or 복사되게 해주세요
- 레이저 포인터 기능 유용하게 썼었는데 만들어 주세요
추천 코멘트처럼 그냥 ios랑 기능 동일하게만 되면 더 비랄 게 없어요...
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이미지 삽입시 설정관련
이미지의 크기만 조절가능 하네요
이미지의 투명도 조절, 변형된 크기의 원상복귀, 레이어 기능이 있어야 활용도가 높아져요. 이미지의 테두리 등등 색감조정 정도는 있어야 될것같아요
글을 적는 부분도 자판으로 글을 적을수 있어야 되구요1 vote -
펜의 지우개 기능 관련
갤럭시 탭7 사용중입니다.
S노트 사용할때와 같이 펜의 버튼을 누른채로 지울수가 없으니 조금 불편하더라구요. 펜의 버튼을 누르고 있을때 지우고 다시 손을 떼면 펜기능으로 사용되게 해주세요, 혹은 설정이 가능하게 해주세요1 vote -
Robust App Accessibility
Can you please make this app available across ALL devices with FULL functionality.
I love how I can go from my tablet and use this app to create some handy notes.
But when I don't have my tablet with me I'd love to be able to open and edit my notes on my phone!
I currently get a notification that it only works for tablet or desktop.
I can use the app on my mobile, view my notes, but can't edit them!
Otherwise I find this to be a super cool app!
I love how it works on my tablet…
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1 vote
Integrate better with Samsung own software-keyboardx
Bug? I tried to rename a notebook, but could neither write in the box/field (which is awfully small to write in) nor open the software- keyboard.
Handwriting recognition/conversion is already great with the Samsung keyboard
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اضافة ميزة المزامنه ما بين جميع الاجهزة
مثل المزامنه ما بين نظام windows او ios او Android
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اضافة ميزة ترجمة الكلمات
هذه من اعظم الميزات التي يمكن الحصول عليها بالنسبة للطالب وهي ترجمة النص المكتوب اذا كان باليد او كان من ضمن المستند الذي تم استيرادة
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دعم خاصية نسخ النص واضافتة على الملاحظة والتعرف على النص المكتوب
مثل استيراد ملف والتعرف على النص وهاذا من الميزاة المهمة جدا
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دعم خاصية مسح الكلمة عند الشخبطة عليها
مثل الخاصية الموجودة في تطبيق Microsoft Jornale
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?