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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2281 results found

  1. words can't be kept straight please insert option
    to rotate and other like wise

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  2. 너무 느려요...

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  3. I have purchased the full version of the iOS/iPad OS client and I want my notes on my Apple devices to be automatically synced to my Windows and Android devices.
    I have always found your company happy to listen to consumer suggestions, and I think the following measures may help solve this problem.
    1. A goodnotes native account could be generated to make it easy to log in and sync files directly from each client.
    2、File synchronization can be done with third-party services such as Apple iCloud or Microsoft OneDrive, so that goodnotes does not have to build its own…

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  4. 삼성노트에서 필기한 파일을 굿노트에 불러오고, 불러와진 파일을 편집 가능하게 해 주세요

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  5. 쓴 거 다 날라갔어요ㅠㅠ
    딴 거를 지웠는데 완성된 게 자꾸 지워져요

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  6. 1 vote
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  7. i see you, this week is full of good upgrades finally !!! we can now export in pdf thank you !! it remains the problem of the ink speed, it is too late for write well but i swear you will fix it asap !!!

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  8. Yalnızca not defteri değil dosya da açabilmeliyiz notları düzenlemek için

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  9. 1 vote
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  10. nên thêm mô tả về các phím tắt, di chuyển lên xuống trang giấy còn khó quá, nên thêm tính năng tự nhập ảnh bìa từ máy. Góp ý zui hoi =D

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  11. 글씨를 쓸 때 색깔이 더 많았으면 좋겠습니다.
    필기할때 창이 자주 이동해서 불편합니다,

    1 vote
  12. 1 vote
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  13. Que seja realmente parecido com o original

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  14. 아직 베타버전에는 비밀번호 걸린 파일을 열 수가 없나요? 파일을 열려고 하면 실패했다고 계속 떠요. 업데이트 해주세요!

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  15. 영어공부중입니다. 92페이지 공부를 하다가 노트를 껐을때, 다시 들어가면 1페이지부터 화면이 초기화되서 너무 불편합니다. 굿노트로 공부할려고 했다가 지금 다시 노트쉘프앱으로 공부중이라 아쉽네요. 얼른 업뎃되었으면 해요.

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  16. I would love to be able to see and edit my notes interchangeably between my laptop and iPad!

    1 vote
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  17. Un mode d'écriture au clavier serait très pratique pour la prise de notes

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  18. Conflict with YouTube Music Application

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  19. I can't use brush pen properly when using on windows ( I dont have touchscreen gadget nor a pen)(that is a lot of money). Can you do it automatically. When the brush go to down, it will thicken. And when the brush goes up, it wil thin. Can you do that please 😢😢😢. It means a lot for me! P/s: my mouse glitching

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  20. 셀프 노트처럼 펜을 누르면 지우개 동작하도록 바꾸면 편리할 것 같습니다

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