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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2282 results found

  1. You could make an embedding on every page or even on every notebook. Or an empty embedding, such as for Notion, so that you can also use GoodNotes well in Notion.

    18 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  2. 17 votes
  3. Actually you offer an annual subscription or it would be fine if you offer one time payment too like ios version.

    17 votes
  4. The pencil mode doesn't switch back automatically after using surface pen 2's tail eraser.

    17 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  5. The iOS version is so good. Is there a reason you wouldn't simply model the Windows version after it. I am a long time iPad Pro user and Goodnotes iOS user. I recently am switching to a Surface Pro for other reasons and will be sad to let go of GoodNotes. I am currently using the BETA version for windows but it is very limited in comparison. For me, usage would be the same whether I was on an iPad or a Surface. Thanks.

    17 votes
  6. It would be a good idea to add an eyedropper tool where we can use it to find the colours that are used before within the notebook.

    17 votes
  7. I couldnt find supporting outlines and bookmarks together in many note apps including samsungnotes and onenote(but u can create outlines in bookmark manually but bookmarks lose its purpose, turning outline). This is necesseray to use goodnotes not only create notes but also editing pdf's. If outlines and bookmarks comes to new version of goodnotes, goodnotes would be the best notetaking app in digital platforms.

    17 votes
  8. S pen not working properly, further the feature of auto convert to pencil after eraser not there in android adittionally pdf cant be imported and s6 lite compatiblity is very low

    17 votes
  9. Let me use text and pictures. Please let me change the color of the writing later. And let me create a folder. If IOS is supported as much as possible, it will be very convenient and satisfying to use. I like good notes that can be seen on Windows.

    17 votes
  10. In Samsung Notes, we are able to split the screen - be it vertically or horizontally - and at various sizes, so that we can look at a pdf or other notes while also working on homework or other coursework. Only Nebo that I know of is also able to do this, but not GoodNotes yet. Or if it can't be done with the Samsung or Chrome options to do so, if this could be done via inside the Goodnotes app - via tabs, that could be beneficial.

    17 votes
  11. It would be nice if a full screen option is available so that you can hide the task bar

    17 votes
  12. Cross planform synchronization. I would like to log in through an apple account and not windows

    17 votes
  13. Although there is a palm rejection, it fails quite frequently which is very annoying (renaisser pen, maybe it's incompatible?)

    17 votes
  14. Please allow imported PDF documents that have hyperlinks to transfer to Windows like it does Apple iOS.

    I have made a digital planner which works perfectly across my Apple devices but my friend using the planner on her Windows Surface Pro cannot use the hyperlinked tabs etc.

    16 votes
  15. Can't delete comment

    16 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  16. The function to add your own stickers apart from the default ones.

    16 votes
  17. be able to change the font, I would like to have a selection of fonts with which I can choose the one that suits me best

    16 votes
  18. It is important to have an option to crop images when inserting them, as it allows us to select the specific part we want to use.

    16 votes
  19. Allow to upload/import stickers as well a clipboard option showing picture uploads

    16 votes
  20. Ability to insert a pdf for writing notes on it. For example: lecture slides

    16 votes
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