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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2281 results found

  1. 1 vote
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  2. Hola, quisiera que se implemente la forma de modificar texto tanto en Ipad, como en pc, porque sale distorsionado y algunas palabras no las puedo corregir, seria una excelente idea que la aplicación tenga las mismas funciones dentro de la computadora. Gracias por su compresión

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  3. Yazdığım şeyler daha yazarken siliniyor. Bir süre sonra yeniden beliriyor. Uygulamanın premium olanını alacaktım ama öncelikle bu sorunu çözmeliyim lütfen geri dönüş sağlayın teşekkürler

    1 vote
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  4. Would be hugely useful to have a daily planner that was able to integrate with Outlook, just to pull across all meetings etc.

    1 vote
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  5. 1 vote
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  6. 사진을 자유롭게 자를 수 있게 해주세요

    1 vote
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  7. 1 vote
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  8. When I saved a pdf in the ipad and pass it to my computer (windows) the quality of the pdf is low, It would be nice If the quality stay consistent through devices and formats

    1 vote
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  9. The icons on the taskbar are a little too big and are taking up valuable screen realestate. My suggestion would be a setting to decrease the size of them so that I can have more space to write notes.

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  10. 我在ios上的笔记很多,打包出很多ZIP格式的文件包,请支持这个格式的文件导入!

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  11. 1 vote
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  12. When I touch my hp envy laptop in table mode to make notes on Windows Journal , the journal scrolls very fast across my lecture slides not allowing me to write smoothly. If Say A4 sized pages can be fixed like Good notes Ipad it will be helpful.As in we have to swipe to go to next page , something of that sort

    1 vote
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  13. Sometimes I think it would be better if there is an input text feature as laptop is not able to write fluidly like IPad or any other tablet if writing pad is not installed. For me, input text features would be a good choice for notetaking and also labelling.

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  14. In my opinion, it is better to write with a pen when dividing the screen, because the program currently does not support that. Also, an option or button should be placed to paste the images into the netbook.

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  15. When deleting contents, some of them are recreated, which is confusing and inconvenient. And every time I draw a line in drawing, an error occurs, so it is frustrating and difficult to use.

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  16. Have an option for square pages (for example 3000x3000 pixels each) and also more page colors to choose from

    1 vote
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  17. So i just got the Beta Access today - since id like to import the on IOS written Documents i tried messing around with the program a bit.

    When doing that i realized that on my Win 10 System i wont get connected to the website when using the "contact Support" Button.
    Also redirecting to the "Contact Support" over the website is getting blocked by my Avira Virus scanner "URL:Blacklist" warning.

    Maybe thats fixable - maybe its just my system that has this problem but we'll see :D

    Edit: Version V74648

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  18. I would like it if a button were added that I can use to switch to desktop mode as when I tried to print one of my notebooks earlier that is what it told me

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  19. 1 vote
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  20. My laptop didn't support pen, but still can touch. I can't draw with touch or use touch pen to write. In Microsoft Note they have this function, I can draw with a touch pen with Microsoft Note

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