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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2284 results found

  1. I bought a journal online that came with a goodnote formated sticker book. Could you make the format accessible in the beta version? Also could you make it so it is possible to move multiple pages atthesame time. Also being able to view the stickers in a notebook and insert them by having both side by side would be easier.

    14 votes
  2. 14 votes
  3. It would good if i could scan Dokument and work on it. In the IOS Version you can do it. Now i have a windows Surface. a classmate has to scan the document with her Apple Pad and send me the PDf on email. I feel really emberassed because i have to ask her if she could send it to me...

    14 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  4. The top bar (The one with the settings button, account button, zoom buttons, notebook name, etc) takes up an unnecessary amount of room and makes it feel a bit cramped on smaller screen sizes. (I'm on the tab s7).

    A quick button to hide/unhide it on the toolbar or something would be nifty.

    14 votes
  5. Option to select and move only textmarker/handwriting/picture/text

    14 votes
  6. Something that would be beneficial for both Windows & IOS is more freedom & customization regarding the pen/eraser opacity, texture, and pressure sensitivity. Being able to control what the pressure does, such as making the pen more or less opaque, or changing the size, would be very helpful. Same goes for erasers; being able to choose the opacity / pressure sensitivity would be very useful.

    14 votes
  7. Adding opacity for all the current AND future pens, highliters, brushes, and pencils.
    Same goes for tabs and images (especially if we need to write or draw on them).

    14 votes
  8. Make Goodnotes 6 available on S24 Ultra, perfect device for using Goodnotes.

    13 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  9. Make it available for the most android phone, not just android tablet.

    13 votes
  10. Font desteği lütfen. Huawei tablette harfler eksik, kullanılamıyor.

    13 votes
  11. Please add options to change color of ink which was written earlier.
    Please add more sticker packs

    13 votes
  12. 13 votes
  13. I would love to see an idropper tool where you can pick the color of your pen from a picture. Plus all the iPad features. Thank you for coming to android!

    13 votes
  14. It would be nice to have more colors to choose from for color of paper. Also ability to change template of page in same notebook will be a hit.

    13 votes
  15. Add audio and tape feature like notability

    13 votes
  16. It needs all the iPad functions, but I personally missed typing and choosing different fonts the most.

    13 votes
  17. Some of us doesn't have good handwriting so having this feature we can also make pretty notes with aesthetic fonts which looks like handwriting fonts. If you know what I mean to say.

    13 votes
  18. As a student in full time education, I take my notes on my Ipad using the Goodnotes app. The ability to see my work on my laptop would make my life so much easier as my notes would be with me everywhere and would be easy to access. Please consider this to be a possibility.

    13 votes
  19. Make it so you can zoom out more. Mine just snaps back

    13 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  20. When erasing it should be possible to have 3 options:
    1 - standart - erasing all underneath the eraser
    2 - erase only the textmarker / highlights
    3 - erase only what is written with pen ( excluding shapes and highlights)

    13 votes
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