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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2284 results found

  1. Currently, GoodNotes is web based and more like a cloud-based service.

    This needs to change. It needs to become a native Windows app that runs natively on Windows instead through some hoops in order to make it run in a browser and then create some kind of GUI for it to make it look like a native app.

    Add more features like on Apple iPad, inserting and exporting PDF's and pictures, make it cross-platform at least through the browser so people can access their notes on their phones and different devices. More colors like on the iPad.

    As many others…

    13 votes
  2. I'm unable to use a pen with the device I'm on at the moment so the ability to type would be great.

    13 votes
  3. first of all, increase contrast when choosing paper as you cant make out what it actually looks like
    also add more functions like the ios version has
    yes i know this is a beta app, but it would help so much if you could edit documents while offline, have a ruler tool and not be limited to 20 different notes

    13 votes
  4. having the option to place text boxes and also to place pdf files and images

    13 votes
  5. Slider to adjust eraser size and also for pen and pencil size. Speech to text integration and also handwriting to text recognition.

    While pinch in zoom inside the textbook, the pages should view in grid to easily jump to another page.

    Drag and drop pages should be considered in the notebook to easily move the page to desired place.

    13 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  6. I think the iPad/iOS version has this functionality (correct me in comments if I'm wrong), but it would be great to be able to search for specific notes based on their titles as a basic level of search as right now the GoodNotes web app does not appear to have any search functionality.

    13 votes
  7. Add the iOS functions like document scan. Please also integrate the s pen button as an eraser.

    13 votes
  8. I want to tranfer my notes from Samsung Notes to GoodNotes.

    13 votes
  9. I work with PDFs a lot. It would be amazing that I can edit them in the app.

    13 votes
  10. The app should allow the user to import pdfs into notebooks, export notebooks as pdf, have more colors available for the pen, have the "crayon" and "fountain pen" types of writing, allow you to enter text from keyboard, allow you to insert images, make ruler and protractor available, allow you to insert bookmarks and allow you to filter the pages of a notebook according to a category entered by the user. To be at the top, the app should allow you to copy/paste the written text and should allow you to create more subgroups for the notebooks so as to…

    13 votes
  11. It would be nice to have the option to type instead of writing. I'd like to be able to open GoodNotes on my work PC and have it synced with GoodNotes on my iPad.

    13 votes
  12. I think that is essential for students and professors to have the Voice recording feature (that is recently already available on Goodnotes for iPad) on Goodnotes for Windows. This feature that allows you to replay the ink/drawings you made while taking note and the related audio recording is great and it can be the main point of why windows users should choose Goodnotes instead of other millions of note taking apps already available on the microsoft App Store.

    13 votes
  13. The pressure of the pen remains same throughout. It should vary with curve of the letter.

    13 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  14. It would be great to be able to add guide lines (e.g. plaid or lined) to an imported pdf file (e. g. lecture script) to be able to write straight.
    When finished writing into the pdf the guide lines can be set unvisible again or if needed again set to visible.

    13 votes
  15. I used it on iPad and seen a bit complicated to use the keyboard but in Windows case, there is no issue. Normally I used it because I had bad handwriting, but adding it makes more easy and more comprehensive text letters. Also try adding normal-use geometrical shapes like squares, and triangles, and add a cartesian plan.

    13 votes
  16. Since most of the pc are without stylus laptops, it would be inclusive of most type of hardware including pc, laptop and mac. Generating an integration with graphic pads like wacom and huion, with their pen, pressure sensitivity, fine adjustment area and commands of both button and soft keys could support a large array of devices. The current beta does not support it, writing makes the complete screen flicker and does not enable writing of any sort. It would also enable fine use of drawing and open up a new polished version of digital art

    13 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  17. It would be great if a tool could be created
    This is helpful when you make notes and want to add something afterwards, but the space is not available. So you can select everything that is below the place where you want to add something and move the selection down. If the page runs out, the content is not lost, but is visible on the next page. If there is already content on the next page, a page is optimally inserted in between so that no content is lost. Analogously, the other direction would be optimal, in which you can…

    13 votes
  18. AI Integration: Incorporate AI-powered features, such as handwriting recognition, smart note suggestions, or summarization tools, to enhance productivity.

    12 votes
    1. More than 3 slots for pen and highlighter colours
    2. Ruler feature with accurate measurements
    3. Open two (or possibly more) documents at once
    4. Scribble-to-text
    5. The "tape" feature that covers up writing/text
    6. AI included (while typing, writing, and in study content as a helper)
    7. Being able to crop photos
    8. Fonts and colours available for typing feature
    9. Voice feature
    10. Overall iOS app layout
    11. Fixing the constant lags and slow performance
    12. Faster sync
    13. Shorter loading time
    12 votes
  19. 12 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
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