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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web

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Improve Goodnotes for Android, Windows, and Web



2289 results found

  1. the current one performs HORRIBLY. why? because it's literally just a web app! i can't believe anyone in the team thought this was a good idea. remember, only because making a web app is easier doesn't mean that it's better.

    WinAppSDK offers so many benefits over a web app. efficiency and performance for example. stop trying to add more features instead of improving the actual app. using new features is a horrible experience when the app is literally not fun to use in any way.

    9 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  2. I have to keep moving my pen or else the pop up will appear for adding a comment. This really sucks for when I'm trying to gather my thoughts on what to write next and I don't want to lift my pen off the screen. I haven't used comments at all yet, but its shortcut has been a crippling nuisance for the last month.

    9 votes
  3. It would be very helpful, if we could select individual pages from a document, and then download them, rather then downloading the whole document. Because if the document is to large, my Goodnotes just won't export it anymore. If it would be possible to split the document into smaller pieces, then this problem would maybe go away.

    9 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  4. I want to be able to change the font for the handWriting to text

    9 votes
  5. I am not sure if this is doable currently but basically, I want to be able to select the texts on the pdf and perform some functions on this text. If you open a pdf using Adobe Acrobat and say you want to copy some texts on the slide. You could use the selection tool to do exactly that. Check the images attached to understand better what I am saying.

    9 votes
  6. Shapes should maintain there original shape instead
    Option for tables
    S Pen button for eraser

    9 votes
  7. I noticed that in the ios ver. you can do the (undo) and (redo) options by clicking on the sides of the screen by two fingers (on the left side for undo, and right side for redo)
    It would be helpful if you added this feature to the windows app also, it's much easier than clicking on the button of it on the screen while rushing in writing and taking notes. Thank you!

    9 votes
  8. It would be nice if the button on active styluses like spen can be used to quickly switch between pen and eraser. Right now it is a hassle to constantly change to eraser and back to the pen.

    9 votes
  9. I love the idea of having GoodNotes for PC/Windows Users. The Beta version is very limited and at the moment, I have very little use for it. Here are some improvements that I would like to see:

    • There is this zoom feature at the bottom that I cannot turn off and I don't like it.
    • Ability to use the text tool and all text tool editing features like bold, italic, underline, text alignment and text spacing between rows, custom fonts, different size fonts, change font colors.
    • Eraser tool - more user friendly if we can adjust it to our own…
    9 votes
  10. i should be able to copy and paste text from and to goodnotes.

    9 votes
  11. Being able to zoom out of the page and being able to save the settings and the specific zoom percentage.

    9 votes
  12. It will be awesome to be able to paste elements from my notebook to other software, such a Word document.

    9 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  13. 9 votes
  14. The computer display screen is large enough to display two pages at the same time.

    9 votes
  15. Sometimes the app wont let me zoom around or move the page and sometimes when I'm writing the pen glitches and the writing disappears.

    9 votes
  16. I really wanted to like this as I have switched from iOS to Android and was excited to us it on my S8. Disappointing at best

    (1) lag time for almost everything. It took on average 20 to 25 seconds to erase, write, or zoom and have the page focus.
    (2) ease of switching from pen to erasers to shapes was non existent
    (3) loading was horrible

    I understand this is a beta but considering the ios version is essentially seamless I thought the program would be better prepared to cross platforms.

    9 votes
  17. More Highlighter colours. There are no black or redcolour only gray or pink. It would be great

    9 votes
  18. ability to use bold, italic, underline, highlights,... on study set flashcards

    9 votes
  19. 9 votes
  20. I wish that it would be possible to resize an object without changing its thickness.

    9 votes
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
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