Use TouchID to Secure App
I would like to use TouchID to both open the app (a la Dropbox) and/or individual notebook TouchID verification.

Anna commented
Adding TouchID to GoodNotes for app and notebook security could enhance user experience. Imagine integrating GoodNotes with Geometry Dash-themed notebooks, where progress is password-protected! This seamless security, alongside engaging visuals, would appeal to creative users. Additionally, expanding support for Android and Windows platforms remains essential. -
Danny Hill commented
I want also having the same issue on this website;
Louis Kaiser commented
Apple will implement a feature to lock apps with Face ID, Touch ID or your passcode in the upcoming iOS & iPadOS 18 system. The new system will be released in autumn 2024.
Jackiee32 commented
Free Fire has become increasingly popular around the world, which is why developers release updates frequently. To test these updates, Garena offers beta versions through the , allowing selected players to register and try out new features.
Emma devid commented
"Emphasizing the paramount importance of security for your app, it's vital to adhere to best practices to safeguard user data's confidentiality and integrity. Stay abreast of platform-specific guidelines and updates to ensure seamless compatibility and robust security amidst the introduction of new features." visit for more info.
deep wadiwala commented
De la forme geometrice până la viziuni caleidoscopice, fiecare tablou este o fereastră către imaginație și interpretare personală. Asemenea unei plimbări prin grădina minții artistului, picturile abstracte te îmbie să explorezi și să descoperi noi sensuri și semnificații ascunse. Este ca și cum ai privi direct în sufletul artistului, fără filtre sau constrângeri. Îndrăznește să te lași purtat de fluxul creativ și să te pierzi în lumea fermecată a artei abstracte!
sdert commented
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Kamila Slonton commented
Descoperă o lume plină de culoare și expresie! Privirea ta se va pierde în valurile de linii și nuanțe, într-o călătorie fascinantă prin universul picturilor abstracte. Picturi abstracte sunt ca muzica fără note, capturând emoții și trăiri într-o simfonie vizuală. Fiecare pensulă are o poveste de spus, fiecare culoare aduce în viață o nouă senzație. De la forme geometrice până la viziuni caleidoscopice, fiecare tablou este o fereastră către imaginație și interpretare personală. Asemenea unei plimbări prin grădina minții artistului, picturile abstracte te îmbie să explorezi și să descoperi noi sensuri și semnificații ascunse. Este ca și cum ai privi direct în sufletul artistului, fără filtre sau constrângeri. Îndrăznește să te lași purtat de fluxul creativ și să te pierzi în lumea fermecată a artei abstracte!
Jeremiah Dereon commented
Remember that security is a critical aspect of your app, and you should follow best practices to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of user data. Additionally, stay updated with platform-specific guidelines and updates to ensure compatibility and security as new features are introduced.
Samuel Fernandez commented
Please secure the app. At the minimum no one but me should be able to open GoodNotes.
Omama Faisal commented
Considering since 2016 wow… well i guess they’ll keep up this great work
Anonymous commented
Still hoping in 2023 …. Sigh
Survey Tuts commented
PublixSurvey is the customer satisfaction survey from Publix available at -
Keegan commented
Agreed, this feature would be highly sought after since the writing experience of the Ipad invites many users to journal personal thoughts too. Being able to lock those notes would be amazing and also provides an extra security from accidental deleting if someone else is using the device
Would really love to hear from Goodnotes about their updates on this^
madhu sharan commented
Is this Being considered since 2016? Great app but I’m limiting my iPad to myself since I’ve a lot of confidential info because of which I can’t share my iPad with colleagues or family.
Chevy commented
Perhaps 2FA to access will enhance security to protect journals, business documents etc.
Anonymous commented
My iPad has faceid. I use good notes to journal. I would love to be able to lock that journal.
Jérémy DA TRINDADE commented
Hell YEAH :D
Wes commented
Definitely want TouchID per notebook as a toggle feature under notebook options.
Question for others: when the notebook is opened it creates a tab at the top. For a notebook that is secured with password/TouchID- should the notebook become secured as soon as you switch tabs (notebooks), or only after the tab (notebook) is closed? Or perhaps after a customizable length of time of not being the active tab (notebook)?
Joseph commented
Very nice feature to include but certainly not a show stopper.