Grid that can be toggled on and off
It would be useful to have a grid or lines that float above the paper, but are not saved with a PDF. As it is now I use the graph paper template to write on. It helps keep my writing straight and makes it easier to draw lines and boxes. But I’d rather that my audience not see the grid. A better solution for me would be to use the plain paper template but with a grid I can turn on and off as needed. The grid appears on the iPad but is not visible on the AirPlay output.

Wilds Tonner commented
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Wilds Sello commented
Each participant may complete the TalktoWendys survey in a relatively short amount of time, and there are numerous survey awards available.
Andie Marie commented
I'm honestly not sure why this isn't already an option, the ability to see that you're writing is straight is
essential. This is so basic. -
Miranda Peterson commented
How is this not a thing yet!
Sarah Tomlinson commented
That's a great suggestion! Having the ability for lines to "lock" onto the corners of squares on squared paper would indeed make it easier and faster for engineers and others to draw vectors, circuits, functions, and other diagrams. It could provide more precision and accuracy in creating technical drawings. Implementing it as an optional feature that can be easily toggled on or off, similar to other tools like the lasso tool for selecting images or handwriting, would ensure that users have flexibility based on their specific needs. This way, it wouldn't become cumbersome or annoying for those who prefer to work without the feature. Thank you for sharing your idea!
Aylin commented
Would love if they did add this! Would make writing on blank pdfs much easier for class.
Nuvia Salazar commented
PLEASEEE listen to us😭😭😭 we rlly need this feature!!
Dan commented
This is a feature I would use every day, in every class I teach. Cannot emphasize how much of an improvement this would be!
michael commented
for me this feature is essential. other note taking apps provide it as well.
Anonymous commented
I also hope this idea goes through! I want to write on blank pages and slides but I simply cannot write straight to save my life. Like the magnifying writing option, I feel like the grid could be toggled on and off in a similar way to assist with writing straighter
Anonymous commented
I came on here to see if this feature idea was already listed here. I would LOVE this feature!
I'm a student and oftentimes I'm taking notes on lecture slides. It would be so neat to have an optional grid so I could make sure I'm writing straight across the page instead of having slanted notes.
Anonymous commented
An option for a line grid across your page that helps you write in straight lines on pdfs that lack said lines. The lines could have adjustable height and the grid could be moved around.
Julia commented
Is there any chance of this being implemented? It's the one huge thing that makes me not want to use Goodnotes. But this was submitted in 2014 so I'm kind of losing hope.
Anonymous commented
I was just looking for the same thing. We have been provided a workbook for our annual art review and I would love to have lines/grid to toggle on/off to write straight in an existing PDF
Ariel commented
I work around this by writing with the zoom tool. I use the bottom of the zoom box as my guideline. (I can still write the letters gjpqy if I pull the zoom window up a bit.)
CS commented
if you could add a grid on your pdf to help you take notes in a line. For class, we are given pdf's to take notes on but my writing is never straight. A grid i could turn on and off would be very helpful so i could turn it on to take notes and turn it off when reviewing
Anonymous commented
Agree totally. This is much needed
Anonymous commented
Nice! Need!
Barry commented
Please implement this feature!!!! I hate having to go into an illustrator program in order to do basic things like create perfect squares and snap to a grid...I love Good Notes but this feature is desperately lacking.