Full screen mode
The GUI has a lot of "lost space" - especially in landscape mode. Would be great to have the full screen for a sheet of paper with a rearrangeable toolbar. Would be extremely helpful for iPads with 9.7 or the upcoming 10.5".
M commented
Yes please. Even something as simple as a four finger tap to hide the toolbars, like in Procreate. Thank you.
veysel yazici commented
I guess they will solve this problem and sell it back to us in a new version.
Alfred commented
just spent 30 minutes to get full screen mode note taking to find out is not even an option. Now that I know is not even available it bugs me even more, lots of space waisted and a must feature for any note taking app.
Julian Kocher commented
Just purchased GN5 and keep triggering menu bar when writing top of a page
need to move the task bar to side or activate full screen mode.
Thx -
Abhiyantrik commented
Yes this is very much required, as we are losing lots of space in the landscape mode.
Douglas commented
Para um aplicativo ser popular falta recurso de gravação e também de tela cheia. Pelo menos se não há recurso de gravação das anotações que façam o desenvolvimento do procedimento de tela cheia.
Anonymous commented
Or even an option to move the toolbar to the side rather than top/bottom would be very welcomed (to gain a bit more working space).
But yes full screen is even better. Please consider!
Matt Thomson commented
I know there's a relatively small vote count on this, but come on. It doesn't seem like a real difficult win, and it DIRECTLY compares to features already held by GoodNotes' competition.
Dario commented
Absolutely! I want it!
Anonymous commented
Yes, I agree.
Ewelina Dinç commented
I agree... Please add this option. The toolbar takes too much space. ALSO while writing I keep accidentally pressing something on the toolbar with the side of my hand... A little thing that could be really helpful.
Why nothing is done... This was shared 4 years ago :(((
Garrett Perkins commented
Another Vote for a full-screen mode and a floating toolbar.
Emily commented
I absolutely agree! I don't want to have the visual distractions of a giant toolbar and the empty space on the sides, and I'm really disappointed that I have to deal with that in goodnotes, to the point that I might have to try out other note-taking apps until this feature gets added, if it ever does.
Nina H commented
This also needs to happen! I’ve only had my iPad for a few days and don’t get me wrong I love GoodNotes but I feel like there’s so much wasted space!
John Theodorsen commented
Absolutely agree, it's a must to make this app a better replacement for paper.
Chris commented
Recently adopted GoodNotes on iPad with Pencil - would really like to see fullscreen with a mini toolbar (could even float on top and dock around the edges) in landscape mode for using planner template I bought on Etsy, and various other notes.
Andreas commented
As a very new user I was looking for a button or toggle that exactly does that. Hide the enormous top bar in landscape mode while im writing with the pencil. I though I overlooked it but alas, it isn't implemented.
Therefore: Have my vote! -
Leo commented
I cannot believe this request is three years old and the developers have done nothing in this regard!
We should have had it last year. -
Anonymous commented
Full screen in read only is not enough. If I'm using my pencil as a, well, pencil, I don't need any tabs or buttons for that. Just a four finger tap should make all interface go away, with another tap to bring it back - real simple!
Anonymous commented
Full screen mode like in Procreate.. along with a mini toolbar if possible.... I would love to see it happen.