Change stroke width after writing
Offer more flexibility to change what you've written afterwards. For example the stroke width should be adjustable after writing and you should be able to pick from your favourite colors instead of only having the option to choose from the whole matrix.

Mak commented
NEED THIS!!! 6 years and still hasn’t been implemented?
陳德生 commented
Yeah, just like that
Siddhant Dev commented
Yes I really need it. Please get this done asap.
clare commented
Please add this!! It would be really useful, notability already has it
Murilo Bellatini commented
+1 Urgent feature
Your MAIN competitor (Notability) has this functionality
H commented
Please add this feature already! We need it pronto!
Matteo Del Monte commented
It is the same for me, depending on the zoom level I often need to resize the stroke thickness to make the text more readable.
Anonymous commented
I want this too! Sometimes I have to scale up or scale down my writing and when I do this, the line widths get altered. After scaling, I'd like to make the line widths the same so it looks the same as everything else.
Archie Maccoll commented
Use the lasso to change the stroke width as well as the colour
Voitek commented
+1 Notability has this functionality.