Dark mode
I would love an added dark mode option. Having darker greys and blacks could make the app look so much cleaner.

Dark Mode is now supported in GoodNotes 5.3 for iPadOS and iOS 13. You can enable system-wide Dark Mode in the control center and GoodNotes’ design will switch to Dark Mode. We also added a set of dark paper templates that you can use when creating new documents, adding new pages, or changing existing templates. Please note that paper colors won’t be automatically changed when activating Dark Mode because backgrounds are static.
Zureez Shabir commented
I want to use light interface of goodnotes but I enjoy dark mode in system. Please allow to change the theme of goodnotes independently like many other apps do. Thanks!
Billy commented
I agree that the ink switching with the paper would be a great update!
Daniel Dosen commented
Dark Mode as implemented by Goodnotes is NOT IT. The paper and ink should transform as well. Like Apple Notes or MS One Note.
Daniel Dosen commented
kc commented
Please add proper dark mode - which switches background and ink color. Using dark mode as it is makes printing impossible and it's tedious to change all the white ink on every page of a notebook. Onenote does this really well.
Anonymous commented
Love the new dark papers, I wish they added dark graph paper option too
celestine commented
This feature is currently in a beta version of Goodnotes. I imagine it'll be available on the public version of the app soon :)
Anonymous commented
It would be cool when I activate the dark mode on my iphone or ipad on iOS 13 that the GoodNotes 5 app also activates an integrated dark mode. And when I turn the dark mode on my device off that the app will then switch back to light mode.
Trevor McCart commented
agreed! I study at night, and i would love to use dark theme to reduce any strain to my eyes.
Please make this happen! -
Cesar commented
Dark mode please. It’s 1 of the 2 things Noteability is better than GoodNotes. The other one being audio recording.
Brianna commented
Would LOVE to see a dark mode option... ?
Jarkko Pelttari commented
Dark mode just like what the new iPadOS has in Apple notes app. Paper is black and ink is white. Really simple but beautiful.
Oscar commented
In dark mode the white paper becomes black and the black ink becomes white. All the other elements stay the same such as coloured ink and photos. Apple notes has this in iOS 13/iPad OS and it is much more pleasing on the eye when studying late.
Ameer commented
With Apple about to release IOS 13 which will have a dark mode UI. It would be nice for us night owls who write/read at night to have a dark mode which will darken the interface and background. The page should be the same but for the UI it will be perfect. I’m sure many others along with myself would love to see this implemented in the app.
Anonymous commented
There are so many different fragmented requests for dark pro mode. GN should combine them and make it happen for heavy users of GN5
Zhang commented
I wonder if there will be some different themes in the future updates, such as the dark theme? It will be more beautiful and I am looking forward to it! Also some of my friends use notability due to its various themes, so adding this new option may work.
Daniel Felten commented
Please add a dark mode for the interface. With the dark menu Noteability looks so much cleaner and more modern.
Dathan Elizondo commented
When I open goodnotes my eyes burn and I think a dark mode would really come in handy, especially when people work late at night. I love goodnotes, the best app for students, but there is just one issue and it’s that there is no night mode.
Blabla commented
MacOS Dark Mode
Blabla commented
MacOS Dark Mode