Scroll PDF vertically
It is nice to be able to go to the next page going down instead of going left. It would also be nice if scrolling down to the next page continuous without jumping to the next page, so you can see the bottom of one page and the top of the next page.

Vertical scrolling is supported in GoodNotes 5. It can be set in the … menu of a document or in the document settings.
Synodic Elelc commented
Have the ability to use the side scroller to scroll pages. It’s annoying having to constantly keep scrolling when I could just slide my finger to the top like in every other app
My Vo commented
Wish Goodnotes can have a scrolling bar instead of just scrolling by sweeping on the screen (just like the new function on Safari on iOS 13)
Thanks! -
Anonymous commented
Need continuous scrolling option
Boo commented
Vertical scrolling works nicely. I would love to have also continuous horizontal scrolling. I use the app to comment pdf articles and sometimes I need an extra page next by to make some calculations. Being able to move a bit sideways and write notes would be awesome.
R. Sanchez commented
The ability to choose horizontal or vertical scrolling of a document on a per document basis. The main setting menu should have the default option of either horizontal or vertical, while the in-document setting window would have an option of changing it specifically for that file. Depending on the formatting one would be more convenient then the other.
Anonymous commented
Currently vertical scrolling is quite awkward. You can accidentally lose the view of the page trying to scroll vertically (moving the page a bit to the side, for example).
I'd like to suggest a horizontal lock for vertical scrolling.
Joseph Mittelstaedt commented
Currently when creating a new page in vertical scrolling mode, the screen snaps to the middle/bottom of the newly created page. This interrups my flow of writing since I need to scroll back up to the top of the newly created page to continue writing. It would be nice if there was no snapping to make continuing onto a new page more fluid. This is particularly annoying when writing with an ipad in landscape mode while using portrait mode paper.
Franca commented
I just bought GoodNotes because it was recommended to me, but it really is not fun to write at the bottom of the iPad. I did not even expect this app might not have a continuous scrolling option. Very disappointed. Please add this feature soon!! Until then I can't recommend this app.
Nik commented
I really like your app but it is unbelievable how slow one can be. I waited for months just to scroll vertically and now?? How long are we supposed to wait for a Mac version??? I´m not willing to wait another year just to use the app the way I want it to use. I use it for university and it is essential to me doing my calculations on the iPad and looking it up meanwhile on the Mac... When is it coming?
Anonymous commented
For one notebook I would like to be able to scroll vertically but for a different one I would like to scroll horizontally. So it would be great to be able to set the scrolling for each individual notebook.
Yan commented
The app not smooth enough when use vertical sdroll to read pdf documents compare Safaris. Furthermore, add function of tap to move to next page will more easy to use.
Dan commented
Presently, if you touch the bar near the top of the device [where the time and date is located], the Goodnotes 5 app will scroll all the way to the very first page of your notes. This only occurs when using the note in the 'vertical scrolling' orientation. I enjoy the vertical scrolling, and I understand you can just switch to horizontal to prevent this auto-top-scroll from occurring. But it would be ideal to continue using the vertical scroll without auto-scrolling to the top every time my hand touches the top bar, which actually happens a lot while taking notes with my hand. Doesn't work so well during a lecture when I have to scroll all the way back to where I was before that happened.
Anonymous commented
I’m glad the new version 5 is up and has many new functionalities, but the experience is still a bit inconsistent
- Fix vertical scrolling, it isn’t smooth with the the text tool on
- Fix the text color presets, it keeps jumping back to one of the 3 colors even though another one is selected
- Make the presets so that the size and font is directly linked to the color -
Carl commented
An alternative to infinite scrolling would be the ability to add pages in a 2D fashion. When scrolling horizontally you could add a page above and/or below, when scrolling vertically you could add a page to the left and/or right. Having pages added in this fashion would help immensely with page management. You could add to the preferences a couple options as to how these 2D pages would be integrated into the document flow when exporting the document.
David commented
Please get this done you are withholding something that so so many want and I cannot for the life of me understand why. Your bottom line loses out for missing this feature, almost everyone I personally know using note apps wants an infinite vertical scrolling.
Anonymous commented
Cmon guys this is why so many are switching to Notability. We want Goodnotes but you force us out by your refusal to have this feature that even Apple notes uses. C’mon......?
Anonymous commented
When u add diffrent sized pages or change its alignment 90 degrees, in a notebook scrolling VERTICALLY loses stability .
Please find a solution to this problem . -
Stacee commented
Ability to change page colors. Add more pen and highlighter colors. The ability to school vertically
DavidB commented
In GoodNotes 5 Bug: deleting a page stops vertical scroll working. You have to switch it to horizontal and back to vertical to get it working again...
Anonymous commented
Why i can not change the name of the bookmarked page in goodnotes 5 ???!!!
Where is autoback up option for onedrive or for other cloud services ??
PLEASE OPTIMIZE THE PAGE view and menus FOR IPAD PRO 10.5Vertical scroling is awful, it has no stability !!
Where is the go last page button?
Where is the easy undo option ??? Split screen view ! Wheeen ?
I think gn4 was better