Add tagging of documents and locations within documents
It would be a great deal, if it would be possible to tag all documents and (possibly) each position within each note with one or more tags. There should be a tag list for each shelf of notes, such that I can have different sets of tags for each shelf. It should then be possible to open the tag list for a shelf, click on a tag, and get a list of all usages of this tag with all documents and all locations within documents. Clicking on a usage should open the document (in case it is the tag of a whole document) or the document at the tagged position (if the tag is attached at a location within the document). The list of usages should be sorted according to the document names, and if there are more usages within a document, according to the page number. It should also be possible to jump from a tagged position within a note to the list of usages, and then to another usage, and so on.
To tag a note or a location within a note, one should be presented a list of available tags within this shelf. Then, one can select one or more tags, and possible also add one or more tags, which then can also be selected.
It would be ideal, if this approach was combined with folders (and subfolders ...) within each shelf, as is proposed in another feature request. One speciality of this request is, that these folders should be kept separately from shelves, in order that different tag groups can be maintained, one tag group for each shelf.
This feature, would make a great application, as GoodNotes already is, much more valuable. It would make GootNotes also a great knowledge management tool - with only little implementation effort. Looking forward for this feature being added! :-)

Danilo Luiz commented
I want to complain! the application update, from version 4 to 5, had two big setbacks. for two important tools have been removed. You can't make your own menu, index or table of contents by writing for quick access to the page tab. now you can only bookmark a particular page, without writing the description, so in a document with multiple bookmarked pages, I can't know exactly which one I'm looking for, I have to waste time looking. and they also removed the tool that made it possible to return to the last page viewed, in case I needed to leave it, to consult something on another page. a total setback… no longer a professional tool. I ask you to work on it or I will not recommend it to colleagues and I will stop using it.
Anonymous commented
Holy moly, I ordered an iPad last week with the sole purpose of using GoodNotes, because I've heard such amazing things about it. I've been planning out my organization, and had just assumed it had a tagging system. How does it not? That's like information-organization 101. :-o
Lee Turner commented
I'm half way there by reviewing my notes and adding a typed "#tag" in the margins - so as long as I remember the hashtag, I can easily search for occurrences of it
Some hyper-linking between these and some listing features of hashtags would really go a long way however - been finding it invaluable for organizing my thoughts!
Payton Garland commented
Adding even rudimentary document tagging would be incredibly valuable... For me, I use good notes to read various research papers. I would love to be able to tag them with author, university, research group, topic, etc
Chris commented
A tag to a note. Example:
Writing "Hello..." Mark with the lasso tool and add a tag, which is entered via the keyboard. This way the search function always finds my notes (At the moment the handwriting recognition in German unfortunately hardly works). -
Anonymous commented
Please PLEASE add this feature! I’ve stopped using GoodNotes because I have trouble locating documents. My handwriting isn’t always searchable.
vw commented
Any progress here? Not having this simple feature that is used on most other platforms is severely hindering adoption. Given how there are multiple sub-topics within any one notebook, not sure if I will be able to continue using unless this update happens... or at the very least confirmation that it is in the works.
Anonymous commented
Another +1
Whether you use multiple documents, notebooks etc there are always related topics. a TAG system would make a massive difference to easily search them. And as per someone below, UX to see available tags during editing.
Anonymous commented
Just here to add my +1 to this.
rrm commented
Option to have workspaces and tagging
What do I mean by workspaces? sometimes when you study, you use the same textbook for several topics, but those topics also have individual materials (e.g. topic 1 uses textbook 1 and supplementary article 1, while topic 2 uses textbook 1 and supplementary article 2). I would like the option to be able to save predefined workspaces such that when i open one, it opens up all the books and notebooks i need in several tabs.
Tagging on the other hand is self explanatory. Tagging is a great complement to the already existing folder level organization, especially when you have textbooks or source materials that can be used for several disciplines or for several courses.
Anonymous commented
Almost 8 years later, how is it still not a thing?!
Anonymous commented
It should be a great add for organizing the notes
Dennis Rochel commented
Hi goodnotes team,
I'm using goodnotes within my daily private and business live - it is the most used and active app on my iPad :)
What I currently miss is the possibility to easily find todos and tasks within my notes. I would love to create some kind of custom tags like "TODO", "to be discussed", "create marketing material", "product idea" "demo script" etc. this can act as a better flagging mechanism which you already have introduced. If the search screen next offers a quick search for these tags I can easily find my todos. Beside that the tags should also be listed within the sitemap of my documents.
This would help to find specific parts within the tons of documents which people create over the time.
Dennis -
Dragon Don commented
New GoodNotes user here. I’m actually dumbfounded that this isn’t here! It would be wayyyyy more useful than the beta email feature that just rolled out....
Daniel MacLean commented
The logic is so Skeuomorphic of a paper notepad. It could be really be a good mix of that, and knowledge managmente tool, very under the hood. Don't need to become like Flexicil, that's another kind of app, but an IDEA EXPANDER, we need to really connect parts and snippets, organize them, etc. And Tags would be great
Daniel MacLean commented
yes, ultra necessary.
Damien commented
I would add that the function of the tag would also allow you to have the same document in multiple folders. So you would have only one copy of the document, but it could co-exist in multiple folders: for example, you can TAG it to the TODO Folder and a PRIORITY folder. Changes made to the document would be reflected in the document, no matter how many folders it is tagged to.
Damien commented
I would add that the function of the tag would also allow you to have the same document in multiple folders. So you would have only one copy of the document, but it could co-exist in multiple folders: for example, you can TAG it to the TODO Folder and a PRIORITY folder. Changes made to the document would be reflected in the document, no matter how many folders it is tagged to.
Guillaume commented
Just do what Johannes is suggesting .. it would make it perfect ! :)
A digital note taking tool is yet a baby product, Knowledge Management Tool is a grown-up product -
Anonymous commented
Some form of tagging is needed to complement what is otherwise an awesome product