Different color options for the folders
Currently all folders appear as blue. It would be great to organise folders with different colours (e.g biology- green and maths - red)
Domi Duran commented
Colored folders or custom folders would be amazing!
Caryn Caldwell commented
Yes, please! It would really help with color-coding, especially for those of us with many different subjects, planners, journal types, etc.
Olivia Hamm commented
I can’t believe this app doesn’t have the simple option of different colors for the folders! (Especially since this app is paid for) Please add color options for folders to help with organizing notes!
angelica.abreu10 commented
Agreed, they have done many updates but not the most requested. Like this (Folder customization), ruler, search in a specific folder, voice recording, etc.
Kitty Carlisle commented
This would be so helpful.
Ray He commented
Dear developers, please consider prioritizing this feature in your backlog. As the OP pointed out, there's currently too much blue in the app and it has made traversing different folders really hard.
B1G SUAV commented
Why have you not done anything if people have been asking for over two years now? We are your customers and if you don't do anything about it some other company will add colored folders and you'll lose half the people in this comment section currently supporting your business. Yes, this is a threat cause everyone has been saying please and it hasn't done anything!!
Anonymous commented
Maryam commented
this would be a huge great impact on the app. please make this happen. pleaseeeee
f. commented
Annabel Deegan commented
Please allow us to change the colour of the folders !
Bryan Harder commented
Folder colours can’t be that hard to implement!……..
J Sh commented
please allow us to change colours of folders!
Kima commented
Agree! I just migrated to Good Notes after years of using notability. I did so because of the ability to color code notebooks and backgrounds, that it’s very disappointing to not be able to use the same color palette for corresponding folders. That was actually the whole reason I switched.
Carina Nesen commented
Different colored folders!!!! Please
Angie Myers commented
Please add color options for folder and being able to put the name on the folder in bigger text
Agustìn Davrieux commented
That would be amazing!
Neshell Whyte commented
Found these ideas on Etsy. Colored folders would be a great addition. Or add a feature that allows for custom folder colors like how we can import our own covers for notebooks.
Chrisynda Samuel commented
I'm beginning to think GoodNotes is an another abandoned app. No changes in years. Definitely not any the GoodNotes community have requested. *sigh*
Julien Milcent commented
The fact that you can create different colored notebooks seems like it would be pretty simple to allow the change of color for folders. As a teacher I have lots of handouts that don't make sense to have in one notebook. Color folders or uploading an image for a folder icon would made me very happy!