Allow users to put comments on different layers. It would be helpful if these could be turned on/ off, or have their transparency % adjusted like in the Photoshop Touch application. Selecting annotations on one layer only or locking others would be useful as well.

Michael Mascari commented
I’d love to have this for musical score study. I could do harmonic analysis on one layer, thematic analysis on another, and notes for performance on another… so it’s not just useful for drawing!
SS Takaliuang commented
Why the developer take very long time just to add lock image and layers? I love goodnote, paid for it, but now I am considering to move to other app if goodnote doesnt add and fix this situation
Tiffany Sharpe commented
I started using Noteful because they had this feature! It is such a game changer when doing digital planning. Please add this as soon as possible, would love to come back and use Goodnotes, but those layers are a necessity. With the ability to add as many layers as we want, rename them, lock them, and unlock, and hide or unhide.
Stéphane English commented
This is the one reason I also have Noteful on my iPad. When I’m marking up pdf drawings and diagrams for work, or home improvements, this is essential. I would be able to do _everything_ in Goodnotes if this feature was added.
Justine Roussel commented
أحد الأخطاء الأكثر شيوعًا في المراهنات هو عدم التحكم في العواطف. الفوز المتتالي يمكن أن يجعلك تشعر بالثقة المفرطة، بينما الخسائر قد تدفعك للمحاولة الفورية لتعويضها، وهو ما يؤدي غالبًا إلى قرارات سيئة. المراهنة الناجحة تتطلب هدوءًا نفسيًا وإدارة جيدة للأموال. من الأفضل دائمًا التوقف وأخذ قسط من الراحة بعد سلسلة من الخسائر، بدلاً من الاستمرار بوضع رهانات عشوائية. هل لديكم قواعد معينة تساعدكم في التحكم في مشاعركم أثناء المراهنات؟
Ethan Blackburn commented
Layers in GoodNotes would be the biggest game changer for me and many. I use GoodNotes for purposes even beyond notes- drawing/sketching/music engraving even. Layers would speed up and enhance my process sooo much. Please :))
Ashley commented
Please make this a thing!
Princess Courtney commented
Yes! If Goodnotes could lock images it would be perfect! Right now using pictures as a background is a pain.
Alice Robbins commented
The lack of this feature is causing me to consider other apps. I have been asking for this for 3+ years: REAL layers and LOCKING layers.
Shana Kinnard commented
Locking layers are needed very soon!! many are leaving for ZoomNotes because of this very thing. Hurry please!
Carrie Tipps commented
Please please give us locking layers. So many design your own planners. Would be amazing to be able to lock layouts and design on top.
cc commented
I see myself using this function on a daily basis for my calendar. I'd love to be able to have separate calendars in different layers to see what I am doing each day and show or hide things not unlike one does in apple or google calendar. So far I just use different colors, but since I can't filter by color, things get very busy looking. It would also be cool to have drawings or a base diagram on a certain layer with text and be able to toggle and adjust them individually. Maybe start with just 2 layers toggleable / adjustable layers in addition to the base file and see how it goes?
K H commented
Firstly, Thank you @Brooke for taking the time to gather and post all the threads of similar nature. I’m voting on them all!
The issue for me:
Text boxes (that have to be placed and then annotated) often shift while using gestures; which cause annotations, such as highlighted text, to be in the wrong places. Not only is it annoying but if it’s not caught straight away, can be problematic. Layers or the ability to lock items in place would solve this.I ought to mention that having a text box deselected from the lasso tool does not always work. If I tap on the text box alone, I can still move it.
John Collins commented
My specific use case: Scripts for theater shows. It would be HUGE to be able to have the Sound department write their notes and cues on a layer, the lighting department write their notes and cues on another layer, the stage manager write their cues and notes on another layer - but then to be able to turn on and off each department's layer. Additionally, being able to have multiple layers visible, but have only one ACTIVE layer - ex. I would like to see the lighting department's layer while I am writing notes on my sound department layer, but not impact the other layers.... it would be Huuuuuuge. Thank you!
Rodrigo Villela commented
I am in the military and we use the app IOT draw maneuvers. Usually we need to overlay different types of layers to analyze and facilitate the Decision Making Process. This feature would be very helpful and it will make the process neat and simple. In an environment where time sensitive decisions can save lifes, this feature would be a perfect life saver.
Andie Smith commented
This would be very useful - locking certain layers so you can write/draw over them and erase without messing up the locked layers would be great!
James commented
This would be AMAZING! Very much needed. Currently, I’m having to use other apps in my workflow. Layers would greatly improve the experience and reduce my reliance on other apps.
LUQUET commented
Yes yes yes ! Please make it happen quickly, it’s very needed !!!
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Emerson commented
Would be very great for the post-it note suggestion as well.