it would be great to be able to rotate objects without changing size or scale. For example rotating text boxes or drawings, to keep the same size but get a different angle. Thanks!

RikiKikiTaco commented
I am a subscriber and I have the most recent update, it's still not there. This needs to happen.
I was working on a map today and I wanted to rotate a line showing 0.1 mile, but I can't keep my hand steady enough to rotate without also changing the size of the selection. I have also worked on things like planning out a room before I move furniture and it's super annoying that I can't keep scale when rotating.
This is easily fixed by separating rotating from scaling.
I'm voting "Critical" on this and all the other posts asking for the same thing!
Other posts asking for the same thing: -
Wilson commented
It's already 2023, and we still don't have this function or feature available for rotating objects without changing their size or scale.
Martin Boyd commented
Helloooo, is the Goodnotes team reading these comments.
How is this still not available.
Just add the rotate button to the top right and leave the scale button bottom right.
Please, pretty please add this. -
Anisha Garver commented
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KNM Zeder commented
This feature request is from 2019. Now we have 2022 and I still miss it.
I need it, because I teach maths and when I want to show how to use a ruler, it doesn't work if its size changes when I rotate it.
isametry commented
Please, we need this feature.
It can be toggleable, so the current "intuitive" behaviour stays intact. It doesn't even have to be the default, but it should definitely be a part of the app.
Rotating without scaling is a very basic and expected feature.
Anoniempje commented
Still missing this in 2021. I'd like to use it as a compass
Anonymous commented
Use lasso to isolate the item, then click within the lasso and choose RESIZE. There you will see a little rotate symbol for freehand rotation.
JW commented
When I was trying to change the size of a picture, I inevitably rotated the picture a little bit, but the software could automatically adjust the picture to the upright position. However, I found that the picture is actually not adjusted to the original position but deviates a little, which is very obvious when applied on a mesh background.