Ruler and compass
Good notes should include a ruler and compass. Especially for engineering students like me.
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Mijail Mayorga commented
Or, if the option is shape tool. Improve it by showing measurements values in mm or in (engineering point of view)
Deborah Herrmann commented
Ich bin Mathematik-Lehrerin und benötige dies (und am besten auch einen Zirkel) für meine digitale Unterrichtsdurchführung.
Samuel Ward commented
Please add this. You have more than enough room on the app interface since we already have to scroll the selection bar over for the laser pointer when in portrait mode anyways. This is a CRITICAL feature. The "snap to shape" tool is simply not enough. A ruler is necessary when needing to draw a dotted line (although a built in dotted line option would be great too), to erase in a straight line, to measure out specific and proportional line lengths, etc. You can add a built in protractor to the ruler as well to get exact angles for subjects like trigonometry and physics. It honestly appalls me that this feature is not built in yet, it has over 4,000 votes (more if you add up all of the different posts about this feature besides just this thread), and has been asked for since 2015. This is such a simple feature to incorporate, please add. Please look to the built in ruler in the apple notes app for inspiration. It is perfect. I have posted a picture for your convenience.
Elizabeth Mackie-Donnelly commented
It’s so hard to make a scale model or accurate blueprint. Something that tells me the measurements on the page is using. It may be a small thing for some but it’s very frustrating for others.
Carlo Bernard commented
A set square and a compass would be even fantastic for this application!!!
Chaos run commented
Egal ob Schüler/Schülerin, Student/Studenten oder Lehrer/Lehrerin als Beispiel
Die Option einen Zirkel und ein Geodreieck in Digitalerform zu haben würde dieses Programm nochmal revolutionieren.
Ich selbst als Student vermisse diese Option wirklich sehrIn English:
Whether pupil, student or teacher as an exampleThe option of having a circle and a geotriangle in digital form would revolutionise this program again.
I myself as a student really miss this option very much
Anoniempje commented
Would be an awesome new feature! Missing this for my Smith Charts
Urs Esa commented
yes, please: *DISTANCES* and *ANGLES* [incl. hack]
<-- my current workaround: i created a sticker collection and containing a triangle ruler (png with transparent background) from the web. it can be shifted, rotated and scaled and allows for manual measurements and construction
--> could/should be more advanced from within the app. a tool that allows snapping, entering parameters, etc., both for analysis and construction -
Cam commented
Please add a ruler, would be super useful for making scale drawings for my engineering notes, and lines at a specific angle. Thanks very much
Anonymous commented
Please add a ruler, or even better a triangle ruler. It will be necessary for my students to draw engineering diagrams or force diagrams. We, currently, need to get back to analog paper drawings... this can´t be your intention.
Matt commented
My hands are pretty shaky, a ruler would solve the issue of uneven straight lines immediately. Im shocked this hasn't been added already.
JGK commented
We *need* the triangle ruler!
Sidney Sagner commented
Please create the function of a ruler or triangle ruler which can be add to the document like in notes (Apple) or one note (Microsoft) for creating better drawings. With a bottom you can add or remove the ruler and you can draw better lines with it.
I use GoodNotes in school and I would like to have these function because it would help me a lot. -
Sidney Sagner commented
Please create the function of a ruler or triangle ruler which can be add to the document like in notes (Apple) or one note (Microsoft) for creating better drawings. With a bottom you can add or remove the ruler and you can draw better lines with it.
I use GoodNotes in school and I would like to have these function because it would help me a lot. -
Sidney Sagner commented
Please create the function of a ruler or triangle ruler which can be add to the document like in notes (Apple) or one note (Microsoft) for creating better drawings. With a bottom you can add or remove the ruler and you can draw better lines with it.
I use GoodNotes in school and I would like to have these function because it would help me a lot. -
Sidney Sagner commented
Please create the function of a ruler or triangle ruler which can be add to the document like in notes (Apple) or one note (Microsoft) for creating better drawings. With a bottom you can add or remove the ruler and you can draw better lines with it.
I use GoodNotes in school and I would like to have these function because it would help me a lot. -
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature! The shape recognition is incredibly useful but it is not capable of some of the features of a ruler. The ability to draw perfectly parallel lines, dashed lines, and to align different parts of a sketch are all only accomplished with a ruler over the automatic shape feature. Adding a protractor, compass, French curves, triangles, and all sorts of hand drafting tools would make this app absolutely fantastic!!!
Anonymous commented
3-hole punch guides, I’d like to be able to print pages and store them in my binder.
Vera Eppel-Weber commented
Ein richtiges Geodreieck wäre ein Traum!
Les Roche commented
Yes a ruler, and an ability to measure distance between different points of a PDF.