Ruler and compass
Good notes should include a ruler and compass. Especially for engineering students like me.
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eric.puntel commented
A ruler would be useful for me as well. I struggle a bit when preparing simple technical drawings for my classes
ignite commented
Exactly! I just don't get why developers of GoodNotes didn't consider adding this tool in the first place. It's just ridiculous and doesn't make sense to use recognition tool when we have something more precise: a ruler! Why in the world!
For tasks such as note takings that require PRECISION, we need a ruler.
Have you ever taken HCI, UX/UI class in undergrad, bro?
Ian Bogue commented
This shouldn't be too hard to add. Now that I need to be able to graph, I'm having difficulties doing it with the existing shape tool in GoodNotes 5. Even if it were just the ruler, I think a lot of people who use GoodNotes on a regular basis would be very happy.
Anonymous commented
Having a pencil and a ruler would be great for me, for example to draw graphs.
Andrew commented
to improve accuracy when drawing
Kenan commented
Allow option to make the ruler rotate in set increments and adjustable by the user.
Allow option to show MM and CM sizes on the ruler (not just line markings) and another option to lock ruler size so that it scales when zooming in and out.
Allow option on protractor to show degrees (not just line markings).
Allow option on both to make the pen ink magnetic to the edge of the tool being used.
Anonymous commented
Maybe like in ZoomNotes.
Anonymous commented
I'm using GoodNotes for my studies in electrical engineering.
A square and ruler would be perfect for my technical drawings!
Then I can draw vector diagrams better and use their data in the right scale for example! -
Heinrike commented
a ruler would be great both to draw as a line AND as an indication where you are on the page.
I project my iPad on a big screen. Instead of using different pages, it is great to draw in such a way that at the end there is an overview on one helplines (maybe also dynamic) in addition to the ruler would do wonders. Now I draw lines myself and erase them later to make better orientation, only sometimes you erase more then you want.
Thanks! -
Johnny commented
And also be able to draw curves with the pencil
Natsu commented
A ruler, protractor (to measure angles), and such would be extremely useful for math-related classes.
Jérémy DA TRINDADE commented
I'm also interested in all with University. I'm a Engineering Student, so if you had news about stuff for school send me please
Martin commented
I would love it if a ruler were available. So you could make exact connections between points. Sketches are even more accurate
Prior commented
I use this app for engineering in college but without a ruler and set of squares, I can’t do the things I need
Geoff commented
Agree with all these suggestions. Ruler, protractor, set squares, grid overlay that can be turned on and off, snap to grid, snap to point, dotted lines, arrows.
[Deleted User] commented
And a pair of compasses would be usefull too.
Anonymous commented
yes please!!
Anonymous commented
Ruler pls :)
Sudarshan Sharma commented
There must be essential tools for doing geometry which will help in making precise lines, angles.
Sebastian commented
Yes! I need this feature. I’m a engineering student and I save a lot of paper by working in this app. We draw a lot in Smith charts and is great to be able to insert a Smith chart as a new page BUT we need a ruler :D