Free Rotate / Turn of Page
Would anyone else love to see the pages in Goodnotes have the ability to freely rotate/turn to help with writing fatigue?
Having my iPad on a stand to not have it flat only allows one angle for my hand. If we could freely rotate the page (as many of the drawing apps can), would help tremendously with writing fatigue and bullet journaling / drawing.

Nicole Montgomery commented
Omg! So much! This is the one complaint I have, I'm left-handed, and being able to angle the page instead of the entire iPad would make it soooo much better!!!
Kelly B commented
Seriously GoodNote, you do everything else right but you force me back to Zotero because of this one thing. You’d think this feedback would be heard.
The ISO Patronne commented
Good notes team we have been patient enough. It’s so wrist hurt! ;(. I am left handed and I need to tilt the page like in procreate to my liking. Thanks
Jennifer commented
Since this feedback request has been open for 3 1/2 years, I feel like it would have been implemented by now if they were considering it 🙁 It’s a real shame, it’s one of (if not the) biggest flaws of an otherwise stellar program.
Old Man Beth White commented
I utilize the app Procreate as an artist professionally and leisurely. It rotates. Which is an essential part of writing, drawing “mark making”.A rotation of the “canvas, paper, journal“ is critical.
I am loving digital planning via Goodnotes. I greatly enjoy the merging of physical writing and the pros of technology. The first thing we did in school, before you even signed your name, was turn the page, even a smidge. We should not be limited to a locked only platform on a mobile device.
Please feature a rotation option, or please inform me how to do so, if it is something the app is already capable of.
It would be Physically healthier too! I need my wrists to strain as little as possible: my hands/wrists are the essential elements to my livelihood.
Please and thank you.
Anonymous commented
I keep trying good notes but I have to stop using it because of this. I’m left handed and it’s really crucial to me to be able to move that canvas around. As an alternative I’m having to use procreate without the better not taking features :(
Auyri commented
Agreed, this would be hugely helpful and is my main gripe with goodnotes. Ability to scroll past the bottom of the page and rotate seem really crucial in a note taking app.
Akshat commented
This feature is so crucial to me and I am looking for an app which has this feature.
This is the only reason I am not able to use GoodNotes is because I am habitual to write at certain angle and I can not rotate the ipad on my desk to get the desired angle.
Another app does this but would having this feature in GoodNotes will make me switch. -
GW commented
This seems so obvious. Let me tilt the view so I'm writing at a comfortable angle. No, I don't think I should have to move my iPad around for this. As a leftie, this might be more crucial than for others, I don't know, but I hate that I can't zoom in and turn the page to any angle I need/want.
Robert Ponta commented
Yes, rotating the canvas like in concepts eg. would be perfect!
Pablo commented
Agreed just like a real notebook you turn it slightly to get a better angle or write a little easier. Would love this!!!! I’d rather not have to turn my iPad which has a heavy case on it at times.
David Bucio commented
I bought the Apple Pencil because I started to draw with Procreate on my iPad. And after working with a freely rotating canvas, I just cannot go back to normal vertical or horizontal working! It’s an amazing feature that just makes the iPad feel as fluid as paper. I would love to see this feature become a standard for all note taking apps, especially GoodNotes :)
Sarah commented
Yes! This is the feature I want the most! I’ve recently downloaded an app that does it and the handwriting feels so comfortable!
Anonymous commented
Would be very useful, please add that
Nancy L commented
I would also like to see this feature added please. I am used to Procreate and the ability to turn the canvas/paper to write in a more natural manner while keeping the iPad in one orientation. As much as I try to do more work in Good Notes because it has so many other fantastic features, I find myself going back to Procreate to make notes simply because I can turn the canvas and not the iPad.
Ateeq commented
Not having this option is a huge minus! I usually write lying in my bed and naturally my hand wants to move diagonally to the iPad rather than parallel or perpendicular to it. Since that causes problems I have to hold the iPad in a very uncomfortable position. The ability to rotate the page freely like in drawing apps like procreate would be amazing. I am a programmer so I can see it shouldn’t be all that difficult. Please GoodNotes .. do it.
Mike commented
I was just looking exactly for that option in GoodNotes! Too bad it isn’t there. I’d LOVE to see it implemented. Sometimes I find it really inconvenient not to have an option to set the position of my page as I would like to, especially when writing close to edges or drawing.
Maybe one day GoodNotes devs are gonna put such a feature inside this great app?
WaCcO WaCcO commented
I woule love too. ´specially for drawing
Anonymous commented
Yes so much. Should be so easy too!
Anonymous commented
This would be great, I’m left handed and being able to rotate the canvas like you can in say Procreate could let me move to canvas over to the right hand side of the screen so I can rest my palm on the iPad rather than off the page