Freehand writing editing like Newton Messagepad
I keep waiting for someone to replicate the Newton MessagePad. You’re getting there, but here are some things I would love you to add:
- treat handwritten text more like a word processor treats type. I should be able to select streams of words just as I would in a word processor by dragging across the line or block with an i-bar pointer, and then cut, copy, delete. And do wrapping like a word processor too.
- Have the option for having those blocks of handwritten text in a basic outliner, with drag and drop of points, indenting and outdenting, drag and drop of parts of the tree, and collapsing parts of the outline
- also support basic (typed) text editing. Ideally, let me mix together handwritten and typed words in the same paragraph.
- support on-the-fly text editing
Just copy the Newton feature set. 25 years later, it’s still the best handwriting notepad ever conceived.