"Last Viewed Page" Button
Please make a button on the main tool bar, that will call up my last viewed page, similar to the "Return" button on a TV remote control.
For example, if I am using this app to do homework at page 134 and I want to check for my answer at 658. I can switch the two pages by using the bookmark, which is tedious. Or I can click a button and it will allow me to switch back and forth between the 134 and 658 after I had already switched back and forth once previously.
I am thinking it would function something like this...
- Save both page 134 and page 658 into the bookmarks.
- Get on page 134 using bookmark.
- Get on page 658 using bookmark.
- Press the "Last Viewed Page" button while on page 658.
- The page would switch back to page 134.
- Press the "Last Viewed Page" button again while on page 134.
- The page would switch back to page 658.
- And repeat.
I am in love with your app after the most recent patch, adding this button on here would practically make me want to marry it!

Amos commented
A "Back" button would be game-changing!
Anonymous commented
I don't find it in Goodnotes5. Does it come true or not?
Anonymous commented
Yes please. It would make note taking on large pdfs much easier! One single button in the toolbar, no need for bookmarks, just click and it goes to the last place!
Bin commented
And hopefully this new spiffy button is placed on your spacious main tool bar, somewhere between that pair of good looking glasses and the "undo" button!