For use in educational contexts automatic WebDAV-Backup would be a giant leap.

This is available in v6.3.16. For setup instructions, please see Use Auto Backup to automatically create a copy of your documents in a supported cloud storage.
Moritz commented
I updated to v6.3.16 (checked in about dialogue) and WebDAV is not listed as cloud storage, are there other requirements?
Felix F commented
Check the new app update ;)
Eike Baran commented
I absolutely agree with this. Being a teacher at school in germany we are dependant on having a simple automatic backup solution on self hosted serves such as webdav or nextcloud.
Dorothee Schmidt-Hofner commented
Heiko Schneider commented
Andreas Begemann commented
Hello, we absolutely need a WebDav connection for our students' backups.
Further development in this direction would be very important for us, otherwise we would no longer be able to use the product. -
Lothar G. Müller-Harting commented
J. Neugebauer commented
J. Neugebauer commented
This is imperative for use in (german) schools. Many schools in Germany can't use Google / Dropbox / Microsoft for student data, but run private servers.
Ulrike Heister commented
Bitte bitte endlich im derzeitigen Jahrhundert ankommen, liebe Staats-Verantwortlichen. Danke.
Daniel Seaver commented
Really hope this is implemented soon. Would like to have this sync with my nextcloud server.
Henrik Skov Midtiby commented
Automatic backup to a WebDAV directory would be fantastic!
Fabs commented
Would help alot!
Felix F commented
Restrictions in schools with iCloud make such a feature essential!
Amelie commented
I would really appreciate a WebDAV Integration for GoodNotes as I am always struggeling with my limited iCloud.
Josua commented
I need it!!!!
Angela Degenhardt commented
Please add WeDAV Integration - it necessary for DGSVO conform backup
S Döring commented
It's nessacary for my work in school.
Wiebke Theis commented
This is needed immediately to use goodnotes at school for teachers and students as well
pdb commented
for power users/professional use cases this is a must! the only reason for people to keep using Notability..