Transition without a page-turning effect
I use GoodNotes for my lectures. I wish GoodNotes had an option where the pages transition like a presentation (just a clean jump to the next page rather than a page-turn effect), as if I were presenting from a pdf viewer, Google slides, etc. That way, I would be able to use GoodNotes for all my presentations where I uncover blocks of texts across slides.
This can be done by setting the preference of the presentation mode to “always show full page”. Page transitions won’t be visible for your audience which allows you to create “powerpoint-like” transitions or even flipbook animations where each page is one frame of an animation.
Alceu commented
I have the same request. Moreover I have tried the suggested solution/workaround, and I saw (only have) three options : 1) mirror entire screen 2) mirror presenter page 3) mirror full page. None of them avoids the next page animation.
Worst yet (in those times of remote work), many times I’m using Teams for meetings and through it ‘sharing my screen’ … in those cases, it is even more hopeless (the solution pointed out by the moderator above, by definition don’t change the way the users see/interact with it: that’s absolutely needed, a way to just jump from a page to the next or previous WITHOUT any ‘beautiful’ (a matter of taste, not in my opinion) time wasting transition animation.