Transition without a page turning effect when no external screen is attached
When GoodNotes is used as a presentation+annotation app while delivering online lectures (ZOOM, Microsoft Teams, etc.), page turning effects distract from the content (for example, when building a list incrementally, one bullet at a time). Presentation mode does not help, since there is no second screen to present to.
This can be accomplished by setting the preference of the presentation mode in the share menu to “Mirror Full Page”. This setting will disable the page swiping animation for your audience. Please check out this article on more information on teaching set ups with GoodNotes and the iPad:
Rushikesh Kamalapurkar commented
This is certainly not completed. My iPad is the only device I use for teaching via screen sharing (not mirroring) over ZOOM/MS Teams/Google Meet/GoToMeeting directly from the iPad. I do not have a Mac or a PC that I can use for screen mirroring via AirPlay. As a result, I cannot activate presentation mode.