An Eyedropper tool so that you can copy colours
An Eyedropper tool so that you can copy the colour of your handwriting when you reinstall the app and import your backup
Moutaz AbuSeini commented
Sometimes I weite notes in a certain color and then go back to a default color, then When I want to go back to that color I just forget or can’t find that same color again, so it would be nice if We could just have a tool that can find and match the color I want.
Justin commented
This is notable because Goodnotes 5 changed the color palettes! For a single color this is slightly annoying, but for someone who used the whole range of colors I could see this being a dealbreaker.
Amanda commented
Yes, please! This would be incredible!!
kate commented
Yes yes yes yes yess
Erik commented
Its would be Great, in you could use a color picker to get costum colors without the hexa code. Also should change text color to your costum colors.
odessa commented
We definitely need this feature for text as well. Really annoying that that I have to use a whole other app to get hex code colors and add them to the pallet when the color I want is already within the image I imported into my notes.
Anonymous commented
Would love to see this!
Mary R Artist commented
And font
ann commented
While the hex code color picker is great, it would be also be very useful to add an eyedropper tool when picking colors for the pen tool so that we don't have to repeatedly input the same set of hex codes.
alternately, you could add a new feature for adding colors to the pen palette, the same as the highlighter palette.
it would also be nice if we could change the highlighter color when highlighting text (by selection) from imported documents (right now it can only be yellow)
Anonymous commented
I would like to see a menu icon that would allow you to change the color of your ink or highlighter based on the next clicked on color. This would make switching colors to a previously used “standard” color much faster and would ensure that you had the exact same color used throughout the document for a type of note or section...
Christine Nguyen commented
Please make it possible for users to be able to select an element's color and use that color as a highlighter or a pen.