Suggestion how to save to local storage
I'm not sure where does Goodnotes automatically save when I turn off auto back up to cloud storage. Goodnotes doesn't have status to show is it now saving to the device. i.e. loading or syncing symbols that have rotating arrow and say file saved when finish saving.
More over, Goodnotes usually hangs (or crashes?). It hangs and auto show my iPad's home screen.
I suggest 2 ideas to improve how to save.
1) Add saving staus bar and symbol to show is the file saving to somewhere like MS office. For example "Saving to your local storage." or "Saving to name of cloud storage" and then say "Saving complete" or "File saved"
2) Add toggle button to choose autosaving or not. If we choose "disable autosave to local storage or cloud storage", a save button will appear. So, we can save any time when we want, preventing current edited file isn't saved when it crashes, and show last saved time. i.e. "Lasted save on 18 Mar 2022, 07:15 a.m."
Thank you for your attention in advanced and I apologize for my poor English if my sentence is hard to read.
Enc. I attach a screen of MS Word in iPad for a reference.