Remember pen options for different documents
It would be awesome if different documents could remember the pen options for each of them. This feature was available in GoodNotes 4, but I was shocked that it disappeared in 5. I usually need to switch between several documents each requiring a different pen size/color, and I almost went mad after typing the desired pen option for 100 times because it was not remembered for each doc. I have been bearing with Goodnotes 5 for half a year, and I will probably switch to Goodnotes 4 if this simple and useful feature is still not implemented.

Luciana Jones commented
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tracyberg commented
The article has provided an in-depth look at , helping readers better understand their careers and successes.
Amirhossein Ramazani commented
This is a must-have feature for a great app like Goodnotes. Different documents have different themes. Each theme requires a specific color palette. Sharing the same color palette between all documents is not an appropriate choice.
Please work on this! -
Kelly O’Brien commented
Huge plus one to this! I spend 30+ seconds every time I switch between notebooks to change the color palette. It’s the primary way that I keep track of which notebook I’m in. It’s such a repetitive bit of friction—it’d be great to be able save my default pen and palette settings per notebook.
jemmasa435 commented
Introduce real-time collaboration capabilities, allowing multiple users to edit and view the same document simultaneously. This would be especially beneficial for group projects or team collaboration.
Alexandra Jensen commented
I can see how it would be helpful to assign “presets” to different documents, but what would be most helpful for me is to save a pen or text preset and access it quickly via a toolbar. Just one click or tap, and my pen type and color changes, or the font changes. It would be nice to be able to toggle through different presets in the same document quickly and with ease.
Anushka S. commented
i would love having color palettes so that i can organize my color presets
megan fiedler commented
please please please please work on this!!!! it doesn’t seem like a complicated concept to implement and it would save soooo much time for student!!! -current college student
Dina Stein commented
It would be nice to set different presets for different documents. For example, in document A, selected preset pen colors are different shades of green, whereas in document B selected presets are different shades of blue. This would be nice when you're trying to make different documents each have their own themes. An extension of this could be preset pen thicknesses. For example, when you enter document A, your pen is automatically at 0.2 whereas when you document B your pen is 0.4.
Marissa s commented
Came here to say just this! I am huge on color-coding my notes and would MASSIVELY benefit from having tabs for each palette based on class/body system. It exists already for stickers, would love to see this transferred into colors.
nukki commented
Color palettes need to be synced across devices. I am using Goodnotes on four of my apple devices and every time I update my palette I need to update FOUR times. It's quite inconvenient.
Ella Simms commented
ability to have separate colour palettes for different tabs/documents as using different colour schemes for different pages and no organisation results in a long list of the colours on the colour tab and its hard to find the exact colour you used for that pages if you have created another with a different colour scheme
Alexis Balsamo commented
There should be an option to create custom color palettes depending on which notes you’re taking. Say if you have a neon color palette for math and a pastel palette for English, this would make it easier to get to than having to scroll through all the colors you have saved.
Kat Canavan commented
I use different combinations of colors for different types of notes, the ability to make preset color combinations to fill the tool bar would be really, really helpful so I don't have to individually select each preset color as part of the pallet every time.
Ana commented
Basically so the default palette is put when you make a new document but when you edit it it stays that way BUT just for that document so you don’t have to be changing them every time you sued a different document
Tracy Richardson commented
Yes! I would love to have color palettes to chose from like in Procreate
Anonymous commented
The presets tab should look like the custom tab. On the custom tab should be able to save your custom colors and possibly create separate palettes. Right now I have a separate notebook of the custom colors I like to use.