Infinite Canvas
The biggest pro of digital note taking is the boundaries of traditional one and paper that it breaks.
Studies have shown that learning efficiency and understanding of a subject is increased by higher order learning and mind mapping. For these techniques, an infinite canvas is needed.
It would be highly appreciated if this function would be added.
Thank you.
Adam K commented
> If infinite pages aren’t currently feasible could a feature making it easier to write on the bottom 1/4 of a page be added. Currently the pages locks and I think a simple allowing the page to not lock to my screen and position the bottom portion freely in the middle of my screen would make a huge difference.
This is exactly what it needs. Other applications do this, such as Procreate. It's very difficult to write in the bottom section of the iPad and forcing this is terrible UX.
Update: I've solved this folks. Switch your scrolling direction to vertical, and make sure you've always got an extra page added. Then, when you need to write at the bottom of a page, you can simply scroll up and onto that last blank page, but writing on the bottom of the previous page.
Anonymous commented
This does NOT mean the vertical scrolling. I am talking about a page that will grow infinitely as you write/draw. The app Nebo has done this perfectly, and it would be a game changer in GoodNotes.
Niaaz Wahab commented
How about using the same framework, but the individual file size is not capped? Such that I can have one infinitely long page as a document following your same architecture, except that the page will be significantly larger.
Or even possibly to have multiple infinite pages
user098712 commented
I get that you love your current framework, but it could be extended.
- Part of the parchment could be split into reordable sections.
- Easy reordering of sections within a document.
- Rotation of regular pages.
- Export a selection of section. Visual clue tells the writer where a section will be divided if or when he’ll export to pdf, say.
- Adding images/photos as standalone section is still possible.
- Mixing multiple file types is still possible, in section of the roll/parchment.Be creative! It would be so usefull.
Anonymous commented
If infinite pages aren’t currently feasible could a feature making it easier to write on the bottom 1/4 of a page be added. Currently the pages locks and I think a simple allowing the page to not lock to my screen and position the bottom portion freely in the middle of my screen would make a huge difference.
Jeff K commented
What if it was a new document/notebook type? I love the way I can export an individual page at the moment and it works great with PDFs, but occasionally I do miss the infinite canvas.
Drawing across pages might fill the gap.
Jeff K commented
Concepts is another app that has the infinite canvas, but I much prefer the drawing and editing experience in GoodNotes. It's not enough to make me switch back to Concepts, but I would love to see an infinite canvas page size option.
Marcus Auty-Jacklin commented
An alternative which i'd like to see, which wouldn't necessitate a change of framework, would be for there to be an option for pages to be seamless and be able to write across page borders. Rather than the current system which users are locked into, which is where there are gaps across page borders and a pen stroke which goes across it doesn't continue on the new page.
Anonymous commented
Can’t wiat for it. Need to serach for other tool for now but hope it will areograficzne soon in GoodNotes
Carl commented
I'm a product manager and use Goodnotes to record daily check-in sessions. Infinite pages would be a game changer as I could then have a continuation/thread of all notes taken from these sessions within the relevant product notebook. The only thing I can do right now is to have a dedicated notebook for the check-in sessions which forces the notes to be separated from other product related notes taken thought the day or to have separate pages for each check-in which is awkward and messy.
Anonymous commented
Please bring in infinity page scroll. GoodNotes users are being deprived of such logical features. Just the “different than Notability “ reasoning doesn’t cut the ice.
Send the guy who proposed the idea of withholding infinity scroll to Himalayas for introspection. I won’t charge for suggesting alternative place ;)
Anonymous commented
What if every user that upvoted (1117) donates $1? Would you consider adding this feature to the GoodNotes app?
It is honestly an opportunity:
+ I can well imagine how many Notability users would switch to GoodNotes if this feature is added. That app has 20k ratings -> many users ;)
+ You can get a hold of new users during this digitalisation wave set by Coronavirus
Don't wait until it's too late!
Anonymous commented
While this seems difficult, I feel like the best workaround may be to offer another type of notebook altogether that is just one sheet that can expand as much as possible, not allowing any template changes in that sheet.
I love GoodNotes but honestly, this might make me switch to Noteability even though GN is better in every other aspect.
I'm willing to put down $200 to the charity of your choosing if this is implemented by September start (September 1, 2020).
Nuno Moreno commented
but they could think of a separate model. that exports png or jpg.
as well as times the option to choose vertical, horizontal file, we could have infinities.
knowing that he would not export individually.
honestly you don't even have to expire. but it is extremely important for us to be able to put content from a material or subject within the same information and research area. put a notice explaining the file export limitations, but having that option would be essential -
Karim Abou Zeid commented
I can’t believe this is still not fixed. Because of this, an otherwise great app is unusable for me.
Tom commented
Cant we extent the artboard as you write/draw? And you can do that a few times until the page is X/twice as long? Each time you get a warning too (phrased in a positive tone) so you know to wrap up your page soon.
One of the limitations of physical paper is its vertical height is restricted, which is incredibly frustrating on a daily scale to most people who draw/diagram... why must we face the same ridiculous limitation in a virtual world.
It doesn't need to be infinite... but give a something to work with.
Have a standard artboard as twice the length with half hidden by default. then it doesn't break your code.
This is really frustrating, think outside of the box.
Pat commented
This is a nice update, but there's a some room for improvement. It would be better if there was the "illusion" of continuous scrolling. Now when you vertically scroll, it's very clear you're changing notes. It's especially noticeable if you use a black background on your notes. What we need is a smooth transition between the two notes.
Anonymous commented
Hi, for technical reasons you cannot implement infinite canvas.
Could you implement a canvas type of a fixed size (a4 for example), that allows the user to take notes on an infinite area, but then scales the note to a fixed template once done?
Mardon Mashrabov commented
This feature is very important imho. (especially for graphing)
Anonymous commented
I cut and paste quite a bit of emails and other information sources in my work flow, and to have the information abruptly cut off at the bottom of the page is a deal breaker. Please include an option for auto creating new pages as you go past the current one or implement an infinity page template.